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Monday, March 05, 2012
For some reason or another

Right, I have no idea but I just felt like probably, and my next post after this is probably going to be another ice age later. A whole year has passed, and so has my blog been dead. Oh well, I'm not good at keeping such kinds of "online journals", just depends on which season of the year I feel like blogging. Well, I'll probably just revamp my whole blog again if i were to continue blogging since 90% of the content here is... embarassing... But my next skin will be probably be something much more simpler and not so complicated like the current one. I am able to, but might not be willing HAHA.

Anyways, so I'm current in VJC, my entry was kind of lucky, but I don't want to talk about how I got into the school... Ahh, lets just skip to what happened today... Can't be bothered to do all those catching up. So its only the first 3 months of school and I'm already kind of struggling with the work, mostly about the content and understanding. I really wonder how the scholars do so well in the exams despite putting minimal effort, or am I stereotyping? Made a lot of new friends, although some I knew since secondary school days (Yes from VS). NAPFA wasn't much of a problem from me until NOW, because of VJC's high standards of getting a minimum of Silver to PASS the test. Darn you standing broad jump, for you will decide if I will be enslaved by the VJC PE Dept. this Wednesday... I do hope we get to play some form of sports for this week's PE though, rather than just running around while getting stitches.

Oh well, I guess I shall end here, cause I worry that this might be a reason for me to procrastinate in doing my homework :P Well see how this will continue...

I Posted
5:30 PM

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
-no title-

Ahh, so many movies i wanna watch!!

1) Tron Legacy
2) Rango
3) Haunted Changi
4) Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treader
5) Sorcerer's Apprentice (watched) =P

Tron legacy is seems really nice with those graphics, not sure what the story line is but it looks cool =D

I Posted
5:25 PM

Thursday, July 15, 2010
-no title-

Just decided to update my blogger ONCE in a while. So, up till now, Speech Day's tomorrow! So far, today's dazu performance wasnt that bad at all, Feng Yi's improved i must say! =D I still cant get used to conducting. Its just dam scary, and I cant pin point out mistakes, and i cant read tow gay... Let's hope tomorrow's Speech Day goes well for VSCO! Anyways, the lastest hip in my class is about Tay Zonday's Chocolate Rain! And Anmol invented his indian taliban folk dance which was now renamed as the "How to tie a Turban" dance. Wanna learn? Go to 3G. I dun expect Amrit to be there...

VSCB complained our "Nobody" was very flat and sharp and neutral.

Theres gonna be a bio prac on urine test next week. Not looking forward to it.

Well, I guess that's all. =D

P.S Kevin Ng Drives??
P.P.S Tmr gonna play soccer!! =D
P.P.P.S My tooth is actually gonna drop, at this age!!??

I Posted
10:59 PM

Tuesday, July 06, 2010
-no title-

Haiz, Youth day so fast over, OKTO celebrated youth day by screening Spongebob Marathon =D. Today was back to school... Kind of boring, except the fact that Mrs Wong apparently lost (I think) some of our chem prac books, including mine!! >=(. dammit, im so not going to redo everything. A maths test tomorrow!! O lvl Chinese Oral on Friday!! Chem common test on Thursday!!

Invited Cliff to come over to play bball, didnt realise he hates the sport lol, so he spent 1 hour stoning while i tried to correct my shots. Its been 6 months since I played bball... And I didnt even know that you now had to book the court cause theres was some kind of bball training with indians there and we had to give in, though we could still use half the court but if they needed the whole court, we had to give in to them. Lol, apparently one of the student was a fat girl, and clifford was laughing at her while they did warm ups like shuttle run etc. =.=

I guess thats all, hope tomorrow can play soccer! GERMANY!!! xD

I Posted
7:56 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2010
2 more days to school reopens...

Came back from VSCO camp, 3 days 3 nights. Overall quite fun but seriously tiring...

Day One:
Comm arrived at CO room around 9am to do some last minute preparations like packing of prizes and familiarizing the games. Then we went to eat lunch around 1 and went to giant to buy stuff. Continued with preparations till 4pm where members start to come. Gave them a briefing and an intro to the camp, theme was about Jiang Qu lol, which I thought had totally no link to the games =.=. Talent time theme was Clifford, Brick wall and Nobody. So there after we split them into groups and gave them their soul stones or buns or ba zhangs or dumplings which contained sweets inside. But it was kind of like a pandora's box since they werent allowed to open it till the end of the camp. Proceeded to ice breakers, then dinner. Then night station games. My station was the curtain game and it was dam fail at first, but soon it got kind of high since we used names like Knushka, Hettige, Sedara, Chanuja, Kulandayan and Thirunavukarasu. After all station games were completed, if im not wrong we had water parade and gave biscuits to everyone. Then it was slp time! Comm bathed at 11.30pm at the HOD toilet. We actually had to summon the whole comm to turn on the lights. Members slept in the hall while comm slept in the monitor's council room Flexi Room. Jun An got freaked out by the darkness in the next room and shifted his sofa to the other side of the room where most comm are. In the end, we arranged our sleeping area into a semi circle =.=. Some went to do their homework while others stayed up for 3 hours b4 going to slp.

Day two:
Woke up at around 6.15? Had PT in the morning then breakfast! Diluted Milo... Then went on the station games till lunch. Had sectionals at 2pm! ZLS came to teach in place of LLS who could not come. Nothing much to practice so it was kind of boring... Prac ended at 6pm then we had debrief and dinner. Cant rmb what happened next, if i not wrong we prepared the fake nightwalk =P. Clifford gave them an introduction to the walk while we prepared a scary movie, Scary movie 4. Heheh, soooooo scary... It was dam sick at some parts so no comments. Thereafter members had an early night while we comm went to familiarise the nitewalk route. Alumni like Di ming and Stanson came to folo us too! Once again, some went to do homework while others stayed up for 3 hours...

Day 3:
PT in the morning again, then breakfast and Dazu. Dazu was rather terrible i must say. Members, reflect about ur attendance and attitude please. Mr Goh went through with us Shu Qing and The Entertainer. Prac ended at 12pm and we went to have lunch. Not sure what happened next cause me and Jun An went up to 7 floor to tie water bombs to get ready for the game. Then at 3pm, I went to CO room to give a briefing about the 2 rounds of water bombs. Then everyone proceeded to the parade square. Met Eusebio, Lin Chun and Bryan. Bryan Heng got happy from a comment saying he slimmed down. =.=, whoever said that, go change your specs and use one. Was dam scared of God since he wanted to throw me into the pond on the first floor which in the end he so kindly let me go. First round of water bombs was TD, 3 groups towers 3 groups creeps. Played for 30 mins? Then skipped to free for all mode. Escaped to the sky bridge for aerial assault =P. Finally after a tiring round of throwing bombs randomly, I went to chase Eusebio around the 7 floor just to get him wet heheh. Only got him wet after countless tries. Everyone showered while comm slacked in the CO room lol. Prepared for talent time while some of us went to PP so buy stuff like bubble tea and coffee. Talent time was fun, except that i missed 4 groups because me and Nic rai went to find the projector for film screening, which we in the end found, without the computer cable, which we in the end found, without the power cable which we in the end found also. Last minute changed the chosen film from Haunted Forest to Paranormal Activity, which comments said it was freaky and actually kind of boring... Had one last go of nite walk while they watched the movie and place the butcher paper everywhere. Finally the walk started and JAC went to the spiral staircase to scare our first walker, which was Luke. Our routine to scare was at first

1) Drop domo behind the guy
2) Drop slippers
3) Bang the metal plates
4) Scream like Justin Bieber.

But in the end we changed our stations here and there. The most ownage one was Noris/Brian Chee's station. Their's was a serious overkill haha. Overall I find that the ppl who were scared the most were Si wei and Baogang who kept screaming at everything we did. DnT toilet was not that bad too, JAC decided to camp there with the fake head. We hung the head at the cubicle, allowing it to swing around. Adrian hid behind a wall, Clifford hid behind the toilet door while I hid behind the door, being exposed to the danger of epic-ly frightened people who will slam the door open.

*Bao Gang opens the door slightly and sees the head I tink*
*runs out*
*Bao Gang opens the door slightly again and peeks behind the door, where I was*
*runs out*
*Bao Gang opens the door slightly and enters*
Adrian : AHHHHHH
Clifford : AHHHHHH
Bao Gang : AHHHHHH

It was epic. Sry Bao Gang but I couldnt control myself from laughing..... Slept at 6am, woke up at 7.45. Super tired, slept during breakfast and debriefing. Camp ended on day 4.

So thats it.

VSCO, please improve your standards and cut the attitude.

I Posted
9:12 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2010
MOE SCO music camp!

Sian, its over.... It was really so much fun. The End of camp concert was quite not bad... Although there were *er hem* a few errors. Made friends without verbally talking =P. The song list was :
1) 将军令
2) 落叶归根
3) 《春天组曲》 杜鹃花开 (1)
4) 《春天组曲》 骏马奔驰 (2)
5) 《春天组曲》 苗岭春早 (3)
6) 《春天组曲》 水乡绿野 (4)
7) 《春天组曲》 天山盛会 (5)
My favourite pieces were JJL and Jun Ma and Tian Shan =P, all the fast songs basically. Made a huge error to play the wrong major for 3 bars of notes. =.=. Didnt see VSCO in the concert hall though, but Bernard claimed to have seen them in the top left corner. The encore piece was screwed up seriously... But the camp was really fun and all! I wanna go for the next one, maybe.
第一二胡狂想曲 is really making my fingers feel dam suan... >.<.

I Posted
11:04 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Long Ntry! =D

Okay... I just felt like blogging. Anyway, let's start by something which happened recently...
Yay, ex-comm and comm bbq was on last thursday! Was held at East Coast Park at 4, but I went there at 3 lol for fun. Rented a bike to spend the one hour, then met Clifford and Phoon Yi in front of Jumbo. Phoon Yi wearing a green cow boy hat, probably trying to disguise himself as a hunter so that he doesnt get shot, and haiyo 戴绿帽! Anyways, so later met with the rest, our pit was 53. So once everybody came, we got ready the bbq with the help of Nic Rai's dad, thanks!, while the others went around playing beach soccer and beach volleyball.
Everybody's preparing...
Had a blister on my leg so didnt have much fun =(. Hahas, but it was dam fun when u kick the ball into the sea. We had fun playing soccer facing the sea, with Stanson and Chin Wei being the goal keepers.
Epic shot by Stanson the volleyball *er hem* pro.
Purposely kick dam far then make them swim =P. We also buried Stanson in the sand!! YAY. haha, we actually buried a lot of stuff like the volleyball, Stanson's slippers, and he himself. BBQ officially started around 7.30, and the food looks inedible weird. Chicken Wings were either white or black while the satay was rather soft... But it tasted quite good truthfully. Thereafter we actually wanted to have a night cycling session but the shop closed at 8.30... Dang it. So we just had a chi-chat session and a cold joke session by Yong Siang. Thanks for the blue ping pong ball story =P. Left around 10.30, tired but happy =P.

Okay, so I have not blogged anything about my entry to the MOE SCO Music camp. Today was the second day of the official camp. I'll skip the pre camp cause it was just a 3 day prac session. Let's talk what happened yesterday...

Yesterday was mainly an activity session, no prac. Arrived at around 8.45 (?) then the VSCO group slowly came. While waiting for the camp to start, we sat at the concourse. Nic Rai entertained himself by evolving his pet rock by means of shaking it. Thereafter went up to the 青 foyer to register and collected our concert shirts. Looks quite nice. Then went to the concert hall to begin the day. Got split into groups, Clifford same group as me xD. Composer of 落叶归根, our commissioned piece, by Benjamin Lim Yi, gave us an inspirational speech about how he came up with his wonderful piece, which is about leaves falling. Thereafter was a quick tour around SCH, and I really mean quick.

Facil of group : "Okay, this is the Sectional practice hall, ya, okay, lets go"
*Next place*
Facil of group : "Okay this is the Zhong Foyer, ya, okay lets go"

Lol, VSCO came up with an interesting way to differentiate between the 2 foyers. Zhong foyer is the foyer with a big stone-bell/clock thingy while Qing Foyer was the one with the green boomerang. Anyways, thereafter was break time, and then went on to group activities. Sorry to say, it was seriously boring and weird.... Cutting leaves from newspapers and pasting them onto one person for fun? =.= Thereafter was the end.

Today was sectionals in the morning. LLS went through with us all the songs successfully and released us a little too early for lunch. Had rice, fish, vege and chicken. Since there were no tables, we had to be peasants and sit at the pond's ledge. LLS was eating at the brochure stand lol. Adrian said that the LQ instructor wasnt here so Setho came to take his place. TBY people all stare in shock. Hehehe, no LV handbags pls. After lunch, still quite some time before combined rehearsals next. Nic Rai took out my Zhong Hu and posed in front of a poster.

If u cant see, it says Er Hu Master in the poster.

Being inspired by the poster.
Thereafter the ZR ppl from VSCO forced me into their torture chamber, their practice room, with Nic Rai still holding on to my ZH and Clifford Stealing my ZH case. Watched Sulwyn spam his grade wtv song while Nic Rai spammed random notes on the ZH. We got pissed by it and returned it to me finally. Heheh. Finally it was time for combined. JJL was really nice. Jun Ma was the only song I could play with no errors. Luo Ye, dun tok about it. I guess thats all for today.

CO camp is gonna start soon! =D Whoever still wants tix to the music camp concert on 18 june at 4pm, sms me pls =D Otherwise I'll burn it. Tks =)

Cya there if ur coming! =D

I Posted
9:01 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop