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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Okay... E-learning is fun and enjoyable but the stupid server is goddam lag... Especially with some joke quizzes... Haha
Chinese Quiz, Question 6, i think the system was down or sumthing. The question was there but no choices of answers =.= Scroll down and down and down. And i see a
Is the teacher trying to mock us or wad... Like "Yes you cant do this question!!" Lol, but it got sorted out like at 3pm.
So far not bad luh, Bio got 8/10, HCL got 8/10, SS finished the project, Physics 9/10, now left History project and the remainder day of E learning... All e best to all! =D

I Posted
2:52 PM

Monday, March 22, 2010
Sec 1 Bonding Day!

Yay today is the day i return to school, and its the Sec 1 bonding day! XD But first, what happened in school...
This morning a lot of awards during the holidays during assembly, with a few failed attempts of the shouting of Half Day. Then proceeded with CE period, CE presentation some bloody hells didnt do and were forced to do on the spot. Next was mother tongue, Ms Chew spammed the Yi Lun Wen then asked us to pass up our HCL holiday HW, which i tink only I did it completely... heheh... Then recess, and History next, learnt about a non-examinable topic on Singapore History, which Mr Thiru said that we should all know as Singaporeans. Finally was Bio. Went thru a little on our holiday hw which surprisingly I got most correct... YAY. Then went to lab for regarding light intensity or sumthing, forgot to bring prac book dammit. Anyways, finally it was after school, time for CO.
Entered the CO room to see the 2 heads of the bonding day super rush, with all the other facils helping. Realised that left 20 mins to prepare. OMG, then i aso start to rush. Overall everything went quite smoothly, with some obstacles here and there, like gates being shut down, small fights (o.o) and irresistible play of water bombs haha. We invented unbreakable water bombs too. We 3 heads packed the prizes while the Sec 1s had their mass game of ecaR gnizamA. So thats about it...

I bloody hell hate my bloody score, I studied dam bloody hard lah!!! All homework on time somemore, god dammit. SA1, COME ON!!
SubjectScoreGradeBandPupilsTop Score

Mean Subject Grade (MSG)3.6

I Posted
9:52 PM

Thursday, March 18, 2010
CO Room Cleanup!

Today's clean up was rather tiring yet fun and interesting. Didnt create anything out of scraps this year, as compared to last year when he created a podium for God Eusebio. Started at 8.10am, we were posted to different sections. I chose to stay in the library. Took out a lot of scores to sort and categorise, since Ms Chew wants them to be complied in an Excel worksheet. =.=. Eeee, so tedious. We have new librarian slaves, Jun An, Clifford, Deon, Russel and Justin. Yay. Anyways, the whole clean up started off rather normal, with Chin Wei cleaning up the windows, and a lot of ppl being sent to the storeroom, but it soon got wild as the stuff were brought out. We used masking tapes, condemned er hu s and paper to play the our favourite Vancouver Winter Olympics sports event of Curling. We put a masking tape about 20 cm in front of us, then we slide up and use the er hu like a pool stick to push the masking tape up front to the score paper and was taped onto the ground. Hahas, I scored 5 points, until Ze Qing comes by to kick it away. Then we used metal parts of the shirt hanger stand or something and tied them with raffia string to produce a homemade indoor wake boarding equipment. Deon will sit on the metal T shaped bar to 2 wheels and hold onto a raffia string tied to a long pole perpendicularly such that 2 ppl can pull deon at the same time. The fun all ended at once when we had to shift the stuff back... Anyways me and Clifford had to sitting, or camping at one corner sorting out thousands of score files while watching Spongebob Episodes, unknowingly attracting curious passers by, until Yong Siang steps in to gif them some more work. Curiousity killed the cat. Luckily, Ms Chew came to save the day by buying for us 3 bottles of pepsi and i tink 12 boxes of pizza for the hard working about 20 of us. So each of us had a fair share of 4 pieces with a few piece left over. After lunch break, we thus prepared for our normal practice sessions. =D
Omg, LLS came in with good news! =D, He said something about me scoring very high marks for the MOE SCO auditions and that I was posted to Gao Hu, yay! But he was made to play the solo part of Xi Chang which he forgot to go through with me in thorough... All the best for me..

I Posted
9:26 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sec 3 EDGE camp!

Hihi all, im back from the Sec 3 overseas EDGE camp at Kahang KOREF. Few words to describe it before I really post the whole thing down : Tiring, Terrible, but memorable =D. Photos will be uploaded next time, like maybe a week or so. Maybe even tmr if I remember...

Day One
Arrived in school at first, early in the morning. Departed at around 8+ after assembly. The journey from SG to the our campsite took around 2 - 3 hours, and we spammed Taiti to kill time. Haziq was rather high due to his winning streak =.= Arrived there, met our Instructors and Facils, my class's was Wei Qi. First activity there was lunch =]. Had our first taste of ORGANIC food. Thereafter went on for our real first activity, Bamboo rafting where we had to use a bamboo platform as a raft and sail around in a small pond which depth is only about up to your knee, but the pond bed is super super muddy such that your shoe can get stuck inside. Our "oak" is actually just a long bamboo pole. Managed to survive not getting wet for the whole activity =DD. Thereafter was... Dam I forgot liaos... All I know was that there were campfire preparations, and talent time, which our themes were the Victoria School's Core values. Had dinner then a small night walk around the camp, mainly the grassy area. Hariz was trying to find an Aliphant during the night walk. Thereafter had supper and debrief. Slept at 11pm.

Day two
Woke up at 6.15, 30 mins to prepare before going to the MPH to gather. Had morning PT, then breakfast. Nasi Lemak =P. Then our first activity for that day was water volleyball! Well, it actually changed to water captain's ball since almost everyone of us did not know how to play volleyball. Got split into 2 teams, A and B. I joined B, and got owned. Score was 8-3 respectively =D. Thereafter was the Orang Asli Water obstacle course, practically the most fun yet friggin scary game of all. We had to go through a whole length of obstacle course which was surrounded by the same mud water as the bamboo rafting on the first day. There were shortcuts which were more threatening but may not get wet and also long routes which were less jia lat, but confirm get wet. So instinctively, I took the short cut =P. Was dam friggin scared because we had to walk along a single wooden tree pole, just like that, no supports everything. And right below you was the mud. Luckily, I managed to get through the whole thing once without getting wet AT ALL =P. Pro. Then we had lunch and a short break before we proceeded with the mountain climb at Gunung Lambak. The hike was rather enjoyable yet exhausting. Reached the peak after 1 hour plus, and took a pic. However, it soon rained and we had to chiong down. Shoe got goddam muddy. Was dam tiring lah, dun know how to express in words... But managed to survive till the end... Thereafter went back and had dinner, and camp preparations, then supper. I realised that Miss Marliana's father was actually the owner of Ramly Burger, so she brought back 30 burgers for us. YAY! Finally no peasant food. Slept at 11.45 pm.
P.S Water Ration started today due to drought.

Day Three
. Woke up at 6.30pm, got late for the gathering at MPH. Had breakfast then had to keep our tents, I still dun know why... Why couldnt we just stay in there until the next day... Anyways, skip skip to our first activity for the day which is Padi farming. Well we didnt really farm, the guide just let us use the sickle and gather some padi for our own souvenir =.=. I collecting quite some padi, but they soon died for unknown reasons because the rice kept dropping and dropping. Thereafter, went for our nature walk with guide Mr Alan. He did an excellent job in describing the different plants and their uses, the difference between domestic and wild cockerel and also how to distinguish sounds of the forest. Heard a cicada's sound for the first time and thought that it was some super loud mosquito high frequency. He then lead us to a clear river bank to let us cool our feets. It was practically like a jacuzzi, the water was dam shiok. Rest there for about 15 mins then went back for cheer session. Next was raft building where we had to build a raft out of bamboo and containers. I was rather screwed since not the whole class participated in this. In the end our raft fell apart even before reaching the water. Had sessions of camp preparation once in a while, then had dinner. After resting for a while more, the real thing started. Got really high and wild as we spammed cheer and sang random song like Meatspin theme song. Haha. Red shirt item was rather screwed because most of us did not know the lyrics to the song. .click>. Though the real song was rather nice and totally different from how we sang. 10 class's skits were all random and we didnt really pay attention to most of em cause we were friggin tired... Campfire ended around 11.30pm and we had debrief at MPH. But before that the red shirts had a meeting. One stupid guy made a stupid comment about the teachers and got stripped of his rank. A bit stupid... Miss Marliana once again did us a favor by buying many snacks for us but I did not eat it since I had a sever sore throat and voice loss. =.= Slept uncomfortably in the MPH at 12.30am...

Fourth Day
Basically it was going home. Had the best breakfast! Fried Rice FTW!.

Yea, so this is simply wad happened, didnt really take much photos, mainly were form the bus and at the peak of the mountain. May upload the photo directly to this post.
Yep, uploaded.

Random photos on e bus
View from the peak of the mountain

I Posted
2:22 PM

Thursday, March 04, 2010
-no title-

Eh, so long nvr update liaos... Anyways, lets start from yesterday...

Received back Bio results from Mrs Ho, whole class was dam panic because the paper was rather difficult and everyone was afraid to face their destiny, while me, as I got VR for Bio, heheh... You know... Btw here's an overall update of the results for those I have gotten back...

Chinese - 66/100 Improved! =D
Chemistry - 25/35
Physics - 22/35
Biology - VR

Thats about it... The rest of the subjects most likely will come back next week, History paper after the camp since Thiru doesnt want to mark it... And English paper, probably will fail since other class's results are already dam bad...

During Bio lesson when we're going through the paper.

Mrs Ho : The substance what when there are too much of it?
*Class gives random answers*
*Mrs Ho begins to start a hang man game*
Mrs Ho : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Class : A!
Mrs Ho : A_ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _
Class : M!
Mrs Ho : A_ _ _ m_ _a_ _
Hariz : I know! Its A stands for Alifant!

He's super random =.=. He created the new term of elephant to alifant...
Anyways, today...
Received Physics results, aint that bad as I had expected... PE lesson played soccer and I assisted to score one goal!! Yay! =.= After school was CO, had our usual prac and Gao Hu's score for Shu Qing Bian Zou Qu is finally full! Whereas the others are not >=D... Heheheh. Gonna play Xi Chang Feng Zhou for the VSCO - SNCO exchange... Dam i wanted to play the Ben Chi... Anyways, that about it, first post for March. Sec 3 camp is next week, my MOE CO CAMP auditions are next next week, and the score is freaking hard. Said by my instructor, that piece is very very very very difficult that even the pros sweat while trying to decipher it. Oh ya, yesterday's Recital at esplanade was very good! Played by my instructor, LLS. Its ownage... =P

P.S Cao Jian Feng the table and chair kicker >.<.

I Posted
7:03 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop