Thursday, February 11, 2010
I'm scared of tests
Just a self revision for my history test tomorrow... You may want to skip the following content
How Tsar Nicholas II stepped down
Firstly, Russia at that time was a very large country with 100 different religions and languages, which made it difficult to govern. Furthermore, 95% of the working class live in poverty. As there were many starving poor people and wages were very low, the people supported the February Revolution since it seemed as though there was no chance of making the situation turn good. There was also a high level of corruption in the court, with the Tsar who had no contact with the ordinary people and lived in wealth. He also used the army, police and secret police to ensure obedience among the citizens. Newspapers and books were censored and those who opposed were sent to exile, yet there were many who opposed the Tsar like the liberals, social revolutionaries and the social democrats.
Though the Tsar did not step down until February 1917, there was an attempt to overthrow him in February 1905. As there were food shortages, this deteriorated both living and working conditions, plus Russia was losing to Japan in a war, which caused more unrest. Thus, 200 000 protestors marched to the winter palace of the Tsar to demand better working conditions and wages. The group of people were lead by a priest and were unarmed. However, the army panicked when they saw the people marching to the palace and opened fire at them, killing hundreds of the protestors, and this immediately sparked of a revolution. That day was also known as the bloody Sunday.
Revolution broke and people blamed the Tsar for the massacre even though he was not in his palace. Everyone started to stand up to their justifications and strikes were organised by the Soviets. The government thus issued the October Manifestation, an election. The peasants were given 191 seats out of the 497, and people could organise their own political parties, but censorship was abandoned. It looked as if the Tsar was about to give up his throne and yet he still clung on, since he could actually call for another election anytime. In 1906, Peter Stolypin was appointed as Prime minister and he introduced reforms which held the peasants, but was harsh to those you opposed the Tsar. However, this restored the Tsar's authority, until World War 1 came.
As Russia was in a system of alliance, they were dragged into the war and there was high inflation, few factory men as most of them joined the army, huge war losses and massive food shortages. Seeing the situation so bad, Nicholas II decided to lead the war himself, which was a failure since he had no idea about war or anything. What made it worse was that he left his wife to be in charge of the country while he was gone, and everyone hated his wife as she chose bad advisors. Rusputin was one of her most hated advisors and as his influence grew under the influence of the Tsar who even asked his advice in the appointment of ministers, this angered the citizens more and strikes and riots came, leaving the country almost impossible to govern. Thus in February 1917, the Tsar stepped down. =]
Judging by the amount of highlighted words which i suppose to be the main points, no wonder i failed summary writing.
Somemore, but i think i'll write in points
-Provisional government came in
- Wanted to make as little changes as possible
- a lot of bad points
- Failed to drag Russia out of the war, made it unpopular
- Actual power was in the hands of the soviets, people wanted extreme changes
- Was seen to be merely as extension of the old regime, less like a revolution
- Lenin stepped in, started the news paper, Pravda and said about the Prov Govt's bad points in it.
- Civil war 1918 - 1920
- Supporters of Lenin, Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Trotsky.
- Introduction of conscription, 14 - 40 to join the army, if did not fight well, families shot.
- Bolsheviks had more support, and controlled central part of Russia, easy to move.
- When Lenin returned to Petrograd, he was in power.
- Lenin introduced the land reform decree, land to be confiscated and State would be the owner
- Withdrew Russia from the war, made peace talks with germany
- March 1819, Brest-Litovsk, signed.
- Russia had to pay heavy price, but Lenin sacrificed as he could not handle both external and internal wars.
- Started the Soviet Union, comprising of Russia and its neighbouring countries
- Died in 1924
Next is Stalin, but I dun think I'm gonna spam the whole page on my history notes.. =] I'll just revise on my own =]
Teachers put a star on examination questions because they can't think of any difficult questions. And this star affects us mentally, making us think that that question is difficult, but in actual, its easy. Also happens vice versa. :)
- Preston Tan (E Maths tutor)
On second thoughts, why not?
Stalin and Trotsky
- Stalin, did not take a major role in the October Revolution. Not as intelligent as Trotsky, lacked oratory skills, but sly and quiet.
- Trotsky, took a major role in the October Revolution, brought communist to power. More intelligent and brilliant orator, but over confident and arrogant. Lenin's preferred successor.
-Stalin advocated "Socialism in one country"
- Solve internal affairs and make country prosperous before helping others.
- Trotsky wanted "Permanent revolution"
- Help other countries become communist, involved war
- People dun like war, prefer Stalin's view.
- Stalin built up his support base
- Trotsky's arrogance made him unpopular among other party members. Failed to make use of army to strengthen his position
- Stalin tricked Trotsky by giving him wrong date of Lenin's funeral
- Organised the funeral as though he was a good friend of Lenin
- Party members angry with trotsky, showed lack of respect.
- Stalin worried about Lenin's testament
- Called for removal of Stalin from his post
- But Bolsheviks decided to not make the contents known, as it contained damaging sentences about them and named Lenin's preferred successor, Trotsky who they all hate
- Stalin relieved
- Stalin worked with key leaders, Kamanev and Zinoviev to defeat trotsky
- Though both of them did not like Stalin, but they hated Trotsky more so they decided to help
- Trotsky removed from all his post
- Stalin worked with another leader, Bukharin, and relieved Kamanev and Zinoviev of their duties
- Stalin, undisputed leader of the party and country. 1928
Still left Stalin's impact on the people of Soviet Union, or USSR, but I'll study on my own for this. =]
Monday, February 08, 2010
-no title-
Yay, had the 2009 VS staff awards! The video clip about the teacher's thoughts were quite funny. Purposely putting Thiru and Donald Leo together... Haha. So weird Chia nvr win any awards... >.<. Thereafter was the very first VS SLI to be held to school, and once more again in the evening with the other schools. Haha, nice speech by Momo and Justin. Momo you gotta speak up, and dun say about me~. Anyways, thereafter was HMT, gave my HCL paper to Virgil Chew for that one mark. I just need a pass please~. She went chapter 5 or something, the title is "Bday Present", and told us to determine the Mum's character in the first paragraph. Also asked if anyone wanted to participate in the Chinatown "amazing race" in which you get to hold a PDA and run around in pairs on Wed. As a guy who would want to study for tests the next day, i turned down the offer, though it sounded dam fun... Finally, Recess.
Then was History.
Thiru : " Okay class, I have got good news and bad news for all of you."
Class : "*chattering here and there*"
Thiru :" Okay the good news is that I have to support my Cricket team in the competition and won't be teaching you all for today,"
*Class cheers*
Thiru :" The bad news is that I'm joking"
But in the end he did left for the competition, giving us a test on friday, without the long notes again. I hope I can do well... Oh please...
Finally was Bio and Lab, experimented on some food test. Then after school was CO.
Had XiaoZu today, kind of weird since so long havent had Xiao Zu. Di Ming conducted, which was dam weird cause he was kinda stiff. Then Clifford took over something later and grew tired since he was swinging his baton all the way throughout the practice. But in the end, the sec 4s told us to practice our taifeng, and made us play the famous JG. Its cool that I actually rmbered how to play it... =P
Lol, Clifford accused for messy shoes and kena pumped. >.<. Stanson is the next Sherlock Holmes...