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Monday, January 25, 2010
-no title-

Had our sec 3 EDGE overseas camp t shirt design contest today, where we had to submit our designs in 30 mins, on the spot based on the theme of the camp. Saw that most ppl drew a reclining Edge word with small extra "sec 3 overseas camp" words. Some drew ppl jumping off of the word. =.=. Mine was simple, I dun really want to redraw the whole design again, unless I win the competition =P, so i'll explain it in words. There's half a box, 1 length and 1 breadth, with stenciled EDGE words, and small "sec 3 overseas camp" words below it. then i shade the box and I draw a silhouette of a guy standing at a 45 degree angle at the edge of the box, and there's wings growing out of him.
Haha, Chanuja reminded me of Kayne drawing hamburgers and french fries as his shoe design during sec 2... Typical of Kayne.XD Thereafter at 9.40, went on to normal classes, for me its MT. Wtf?! Virgil Chew stumped me with Chinese CA1 coming next week! I thought its supposed to be during the CA1 week which is Week8?? Argh, now haf to spam study again, with all the random tests coming up.... So Sec 3 life is like this... =.= Dammit la.
Next was recess, then our fav lesson, history! Kulandayan Thirunavukarasu continued with the Hitler clip, saying that he's a man of his words. *Er hem Cough Splutter* And he keeps skipping the "questionable" scenes and the class was like Oiiiii Siiiiirrr! =.=
Finally was Bio, first period spent on doing the sub test. It was friggin easy!! =P Then went to lab to do some experiment relating to data loggers and enzyme reaction. Dang, caught some Hydrogen peroxide on my hand and that area turned freaky white spotted, but it went away after rinsing it under water. Whew...
After school, went for CO prac. For once I got restless after 2 hours, around 4.30pm =x. Sry... I dunno why i felt dam tired. And it was quite boring prac today >.<. Haha, KYS taught Bernard, or should it be tried to teach him his fav song=.=.

I Posted
9:20 PM

Sunday, January 24, 2010
-no title-

Lol, my recent posts' title are mostly -no title- these few days cause there's no inspiration >.<.
So, as promised, i'll post a proper post. Went for my maths tuition today at 2pm. Had fun playing a round of table soccer at my tuition teacher's house. I forgot to mention about this whole thing previously. His house is a playground/petting zoo/aviary/tuition centre. Its ownage, his balcony has like a dozen noisy chirping birds, 2 dogs roaming around and a table soccer, with a spoilt air hockey table. Which tuition centre provides that? >.<. Learnt about matrices, thought that it would be easy, yet his worksheet proved me wrong, guess there's much for me to learn. Plus there's an indices school test on Tuesday... Btw, by getting a worksheet of my tuition teacher correct, you get a free pen, or you can accumulate it to redeem money. Altogether got 5 pens since my first lesson this year =]. Free drinks during his lessons too! Heheh. And he is entertaining =P. So after his 2 hour lesson, stayed behind for 15 minutes to play 2 more rounds of table soccer, and I scored 3 tyco goals! Yay! =.= So this is what basically happened today that is fun to write. So I went home after that, and camped there till dinner, then go out again to White sands. Searching high and low for my bro's Body Disinfectant spray which no where in SG has it.
Hope some kind of inspiration comes to me while thinking of the sec 1 bonding games.
Didnt know that Megaman starforce can be that fun =.=

P.S Hope my A-maths won't fail that badly, cause i know I fail ler. 0.o

I Posted
10:01 PM

Saturday, January 23, 2010
-no title-

I'm getting lazy to update my blog...
Basic updates:
- Sec 1s have joined =]
- Me, Clifford and Russel are in charge of Sec 1 bonding day
- There's a pro grade 6 erhu hu sec 1 coming o.o
- Today was DaZu, Percussion attendance dam pro... Nobody came...
- Its Woodwind section's turn to lose/no have scores...

Trying to rack my brains to come up with games for that sec 1 bonding thingy...

Lol, thats all, maybe when i feel like it then i update a proper post >.<. Maybe like err, tomorrow fine. I'll try

I Posted
9:46 PM

Monday, January 11, 2010
-no title-

Hi all, congratz to all those err, graduates of Sec 4 for their O-level results which was released today! Gratz to Eusebio for the ownage L1R5 of 6, not sure if already minus-ed the CCA points and Leadership Points. Let's all hope that there'll be a half day tomorrow =P. Then, Mr Low will put the pressure on the Sec 4s and maybe 3s too about how hard the seniors have worked for and that we must do the same to make Victoria proud or sumthing. =.= I seriously hope my O-levels will just go smoothly...
Anyways, CCA orientation finally over! Met my cousin from 1B, who denied my request to join CO... >.< .
And Its bloody surprising to see TERENCE PHUA of Temasek, who's also from my same primary school to suddenly just appear out of nowhere and join our Sec3 cohort =.=. He said that he used his "Imbah" Tennis skills to DSA in o.o
Thats all, chem test 2 days from now, hope can get high marks!

Class motto: The Iphone 3GS
3GSTFU (This one's stupid I tell you...) I first meant "3G Strive to FEEL Unstoppable, which is ridiculous, and becos of the term STFU that my class wanted, we decided to change it to like, "3GS Teaching for Understanding." =.=

I Posted
9:15 PM

Thursday, January 07, 2010
CCA orientation day!

Today was day one of the CCA Orientation tour. Prepared ourselves after school, as in mentally. But first, wat happened during curriculum time...
First 6 periods including recess, was free period, all the teachers not in. Only that Mdm Esther Teo spammed us with worksheets, which me and Chanuja chionged, laughing, i mean encouraging Haziq and Hariz to catch up. Met momo FINALLY during recess, cause he was calling those Red shirts to come to the PSB for something. Thereafter was Physics which Koh taught us about the measurements topic and lastly, A-maths, which nearly killed me. But I managed, after Chanuja taught me. And its after school...
Prac started at 2.30pm, went to 3J, then prac for like 15 mins with LLS, that grade 4 practice score and once of Shi Jian, then got called down to help in the orientation. The first wave of students belong to class 1F, if i not wrong. Kena forced to play that introductory piece, which they chose Ben Chi, the first part oni. A little screwed, cause the Erhu I used, I wasnt so used to it. Thereafter we play Ju Hua Tai as an orchestral piece. And finally the sec 1s get to run about and play the instruments in the CO room. The intro speech for the first wave was done by KYS, so the next wave, we sec 3 comm had to do. Next class was 1E, Kai Hui's bro's class. Wasnt saboed to play solo agn. The routine was same throughout, intro pieces, run around, bye-bye. So our last tour was from Sec 1D. Was also told to stay back for Day 2 of orientation. Hope everything goes well tmr =]

I Posted
9:11 PM

Monday, January 04, 2010
First Day Of School

Yo all, first day of school wasn't that bad at all. Met up with ZT in the canteen at 7am, then went up to class to discuss tuition HW, which was bloody difficult... Then also realised that almost 1/2 of my class, which is 3G currently, belongs to my previous 2C class lol. So half of the class were chatting happily, while the other side had their first-day-emoness. FT is Marliana while AFT is Virgil Chew and Ms Choy. So sad to hear that Thiru's leaving in July when he's teaching us history this yr. I wonder which teacher will teach us Social Studies... Anyways, had my first few subject lessons of course, no slacking! History, some relief teacher came in in place of Thiru as he's in sec 1 camp, and he taught us a little about how the world war 1 started. Thereafter was the bio lesson, I THINK its by Ms Ho, duno who she is. Some super high female teacher la. Come into the class with attendance list, shouting out all of our names and staring at us, apparently trying to remember our faces =.=. Also had our first Bio Lab lesson when we had fun meddling around with the microscope. Tables of 4 as usual, me, Haziq, Nicholas Khor and Chanuja. It seemed that our group where the only one (i think) to complete the 3 tasks of viewing the onion, pond weed and cheek cells under the microscope. =P Thereafter was CO time! Duckie, er I mean Phoon Yi loaned me and Clifford his 2 batons. Cliff got his wooden handle baton while I got his custom-made-cork-on-a-stick baton. Taught us how to conduct properly and also made us look like retards standing in front of the mirror and conduct to our reflections. Had our own chances of conducting the percussion. Then went for the real prac, where I conducted a song. Its a wonder to seriously see those people who have never come for prac until today, to come. Eg, Marc Tang (he came to claim his er hu only), Alvin and Joshua. o.o After prac was over, comms stayed behind to help with the "banner" and boards for the orientation on Thursday. I wonder what song we will be playing to "attract" these freshmen...

Btw, I'm selling my Itouch, so this is it's details. I know its dam new, but I thinking of getting an Iphone, since there's more function to it now.

Model : IPod Touch, 2nd Gen
Size : 8GB
Selling Price : $280
Included : Rubber Casing, Plastic Screen Film, Ear Phones, USB cable and basically the whole set, the box included too and the instruction manual...
Details : Also, if u want, I can leave the 26 spongebob episodes inside, and also tell me if u wan a clear Itouch, means nothing inside. L/O if you find it too ex, but dun gif me crap price. (Lol, sounds like maple...)

Thanks =]

I Posted
9:56 PM

Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy new year!

Hi all, happy new year and I wish u all success in your future endeavours =].
So basically I returned from camp bout 2 days ago, too slpy to update blog, and I actually dun feel like updating it... But I shall write those fun parts only
First night supposed to have the night walk, unfortunately there was technical problems, so we ended up watching Spongebob horror episodes... >.<>
Second day, had amazing race, my group apparently found all the places, but failed one task... That 4 min chat with the info counter was screwed up.... Thereafter, evening got water bomb. God released his mighty feat of bombs from the sky. Bridge. All aim at me T_T. And somehow, i seriously do not know why, he mistook me that I was crying lol.... Thereafter we sec 2 comm went up to the bridge too to have fun throwing water down, and also trying to get Eusebio, aka god, wet. haha. Thereafter was talent time, then night walk! Not so scary this time round, nt sure why, probably becos I actually helped out a little and all that scary feeling was gone XD.

Yea, so thats about it. Happy new year once again, and i hope i can survive the pressure...

I Posted
1:59 PM


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Those who fail to comply to these simple rules shall result in severe torture!!!
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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop