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Sunday, November 29, 2009
I am back...

Hey all, I'm back from my 3 days 2 nights stay at Malacca Malaysia. This time, we went with my mum's friend's family, plus her friend's sister's family, eh confusing? Nvm. Okay, time to split the days into sections again...

First day, woke up early in the morning at 5.30am. Got ready for the car trip to Msia. Left house at about 6am, then played DS in the car, till we reached the customs, then I slept throughout. Apparently, the my mum's friends have already reached, so by the time we reached to our usual resting canteen area, they ate their breakfast/ snack/ brunch already. But firstly, I only know 3 of the children there, ok fine not children, teens...
- Kevin
- Gladys
- Sheryl
While the other family's children, I do not really know them... (ok this family here and there thing is getting confusing for me)
Thereafter we all drove to our hotels, this time we both stayed in diff hotels, duno y. Arrived at Bayview hotel first around, ah duno the time la. Helped them to check in, then we went to the legacy, which is our hotel. Put down our stuff, then spammed the godly cable TV, we had fun watching Disney channel LOL. Shaun the Sheep rox like random. Then we went to our first shopping area, Mahkota. Apparently Kevin bought a 60 RMB laser from China, 50m distance so we were like having fun laser spamming at places and people (oops). So we had some shopping there, then finally the best moment and practically MY main aim of why I go to Msia... STARBUCKS!! My previous trip to Msia, I had 9 cups of coffee at Genting Starbucks =x, and I decided that I should take a photo of every coffee I drink. So my first cup was a Toffee Nut Latte!!


Hahas, I'm being high =.=. So we thereafter, shopped for a while more, then went to the mall across Mahkota, forgot what name and shopped somemore. Had fun playing laser again =.=. Then after a while, we had our lunch together at a Japanese Buffet Restaurant. I know it sounds really grand and cool but trust me, the food is nub... =.=. Nvm, after that we did some more shopping if i not wrong, I forgot liao, so lets just skip skip. Dinner time! Went our separate ways, my family ate at our fav Chicken rice ball stand =P, but the balls were out so we ate normal rice instead =P. Thereafter went back to hotel and spammed disney channel again, then slept at 12.30am =.=.

Second Day, woke up to have breakfast downstairs, very bloody crowded no idea why seh. Then, we met up at Jusco to shop. Damit, its that bloody place again... I went there like twenty times liaoz... Anyway, although we did spent a lot of time shopping, me and my bro went to coffee bean to rest and drink COFFEE!!! Not starbucks sianx. So i drank a cup of CAMERAL MACCHIATO, while my bro had a DARK CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT LATTE. =]


Nice nice! =P. Soon, Kevin joined and we all played our portable games. Stayed there for quite long and I mean quite long. Then, we drank our coffee and went to Delifrance to eat lunch with everyone. Lol, we were playing with poker cards while eating =.=. Then, walked around again... And finally we left that place =P and proceeded to Red Station sumthing like that name. I have no idea we went there seriously, just browsed around the shop there and a few of us went for a ride on the trishaw lol =.=. Thereafter, we went for a Karaoke session at Bayview hotel. Lol, the adults were the ones singing, while we teens were playing card games. At first, Me and Kevin and my bro used Kevin's poker card deck. Played cheat/bluff first, and I was the MVP! wahaha, I guess i can really lie =x. Soon Sheryl joined in, then Gladys and we soon started playing a new game to me, introduced by my bro called Snap. I shall skip the what-is-it part. So we had LOTS OF LAUGHTER and FUN, till i actually cried laughing. So we each got a title to the game =.=.

Me - the slow reactor
My bro - The master
Kevin - the lagger
Gladys - The MVP (most violent player)
Sheryl - neutral (lol)

So basically, i lost terribly in that game... Until we finally switched to playing Bluff! And I owned I tell u =P wahaha. Ended at around 9? Then went for dinner at our fav stand again, then went back to hotel and slept around 11.30.

Third Day, went swimming early in the morning. The water was bloody freezing and I totally shaked as I entered the pool. Swimmed for 15 mins then went up again -.-. Had breakfast downstairs as usual and noticed a group of ACJC boys haha. Thereafter met up with everyone at TESCO this time... Shopped as usual and I got myself an Optimus Bear hp keychain. We practically spent most of the day camping at Secret Recipe doing nothing... Okay fine, drinkin coffee and eating lunch. Then blah blah blah, i forgot what happen =.=. And finally went back to Sg, stopping by the Go kart stand too. Today the Go karts were apparently MUCH faster than before. I seemed to be driving at least 100km/h, seriously. Its dam fun!! Going at such a fast speed without caring about police =.= We also tried the dune buggy which I tell you was a terrible thing for me. I got all muddy and also got Sheryl muddy hahas. Who ask her wan sit with me LOL. But it was fun. The drifting was fun! =P. Finally, we went back to SG fully. And at 10pm I reached home and started blogging.

=] The end

And i missed my prize giving ceremony =.=

I Posted
10:07 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009
My first grading exam...

Yes, today was my very first grading exam, grade 4 exam. I was dam scared and nervous at first. I arrived at NAFA, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, at 2pm, cause ZLS wanted to go through the songs with me one more time. Met him at 6th floor where he brought me to a room to my own to practice. The room seemed more like a prison to me rather than a practice room. Big heavy doors with soundproof paddings? lol... And the door is card-locked. Once inside, ZLS told me to warm up and that he will be back by 3. So i sat down and realized that the silence was rather piercing... Anyways, I did practice, then at 3pm, Khee Ming and ZLS came back to the room, i guessed he finished his exam first... Then I had to play in front of both of them. Then at 3.20 (i think), another one came in, it was ZLS's student who I do not know, and I had to play in front of them again... at 4pm, i went to register at the counter and proceeded to the practice room, it was a different, bigger room. There were many many other students in the room, and 5% were Er-Hu-ists. The rest were either Yang Qin or Pipa. And I seemed to be older than them lol. So I just played the 3 pieces over and over again, till Khee Ming and the other student came in and told me not to tire myself out.

Khee Ming: "Don't play so much, you will get tired, just sit back and laugh at the others."

Lol, I not so evil... Anyways, at 4.25, I was called out and proceeded to the exam room. Sat on the chair in front of the teacher, then remembered that I had to greet the teacher, so I stood up again... =.=. Then i started to play. Everything went fine, until the final part of Ben Chi, when the unexpected happened...


It was like, wathurf?? At least the examiner did not say something like, "oh, nice timing, you can leave now". Instead she asked me to change string. So I went out of the room and shocked everyone with the news. ZLS helped me to change string, then I went back in after that. Continued from where I *Er-hem* stopped. But the examiner stopped me when I reached the Guang Ming Xing repeat part due to lack of time. Nvm, its ok... Sian, hope that I can get distinction!!

P.S Should I get the $2000+ discounted pro Er Hu which ZLS asked? I guess not... $_$ money matters...

I Posted
7:34 PM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hi, I'm back from my half completed camp of Veloci-T. Its basically a 5 day camp, in both Singapore and Malaysia where the teachers and instructors hold activities and teach us leadership skills, but I came back today, the 3rd day. So let me just write about my experience for the 3 days only... Sianz la, never go Mawaii....

First day, it was rather boring since it rained almost the whole day but never mind. I came to school at 7.30am and around 8.30am, we finished our registration and the other administrative stuff. Thereafter, we went into our own groups and had a bonding game, or somewhat. My facils were Ryan, Yi Jun and one more who I do not know the name... Well, apparently, my group played UNO, and I dun tink its possible to play a 15 ppl game... lol. Anyways, around 10am or something, we had our first activity, which was lead by TRYBE ppl, and our instructor was Nicholas. He taught us abt modelling the way, being role models and everything, etc. Then was lunch and after that was another TRYBE session about public speaking, by Dexter. Around 2pm, we took our bus and went off to our campsite, directly opposite NSRCC. And Haziq asked if I brought my golf clubs... =.= Once we reached there, we put down our bags and everything and went to our assigned bunks. Bartley Sec was there too but it was their last day, so a few groups had to squeeze into one bunks. Thanks to the bloody rain, all of our activities were shelved, so we only went for Belay School, which was about safety, how to wear harnesses, etc, and nothing else. But the teachers soon allowed us to try the indoor rock wall. Thereafter was dinner and we had an indoor activity session, aka leadership workshops, after that. At around 10pm was finally supper and debrief, and we all slept at 12am.

Second day, now this was better. Woke up at :-
1) 3am
2) 5am
3) 5.30am
4) 6.15am
Due to the bloody stupid aeroplanes which passes by our campsite like every 10 mins... Had our morning PT at 7am till 8am, then breakfast and finally the start of our activities. We first had the CRC, challenge rope course, but I did not manage to do it since we had lack of time, only did the belaying. Its so fun to the the 2 guys up there leaning against each other, trembling like free .>.< too =]. Thereafter was lunch and another activities for the next 4 hours. We did Challenge Pole first, which we had so much fun. We had to climb up a 10m pole and be steady, then jump off and hang on to a trapeze. Our group completed it in 45 mins, the second best timing. Thereafter was the fun part, Kayaking!! We first had our swim test which ppl chiong and kick the sea water into my face. The water stinged my eyes, but i got over it. Paired up with momo then went out into the sea. Did many activities like playing catching (its difficult!!) and even standing up on our kayaks. The fun part was when a senior had to run through our linked kayaks form one end to the other and into his boat. Obviously we saboed him and made him fall into the sea, losing his specs too =] We're evil leaders. Finally after a few more rounds of fun, we went back to shore and had our shower and dinner. Finally was the night activities!! There were mainly 3 parts of the night activities, but the best part was the Laser Tag!! Its basically a real life Counter Terrorist, and my group was most of the time CT force. The aim of the terrorist force was to plant the bomb and let it go off in 5 mins, while the aim of CT was to deactivate the bomb before it goes off. At the start of the match, my group ran ahead 5m, then stopped and discussed. Lol. Then we split into 3 groups and thats when the friendly firing started... LOL. I even died without knowing what hit me... Thus in 3 mins since the game started, I died and went to our "base" where I saw the pro Mr Siow spamming sniping behind a pillar. Ownage. Hahas, but the game ended really fast, and we lost obviously. However, as we had a lot of excess time, we played for 3 more rounds. There was an instance when my team had a few survivors left, including me and I was separated from my team. Then I saw all of them camping in a bunk discussing, so I ran towards them. How did I know that when I entered the bunk, they fired at me, from 3 hp to 1 hp.... zzzz. But then I saw a sniper from the opposite bunk and tried to shoot him, failed duh. And died. Eventually, my team came up with a plan, but the bomb went off with its 5 min timer... Lol, epic fail... Hahahas, then was supper and debrief. Slept at around 12 .30 am

Third Day, cleaning up nothing much to elaborate...

And I got into History elective next year!!!!! Wooohoooo!!! Now, good luck for the remaining Veloci-T partcipants.. Haf fun....

I Posted
11:03 AM

Monday, November 09, 2009
200th post!

Hi all, I just got my very own I Touch yesterday!! Yeaa, its the 2nd generation. I bought it at S$308, i think. The price is a great difference as compared to the first batch which my bro bought, it cost $400. Finally I can watch spongebob episodes where ever I want. My video files itself took up 2GB liao. Its so fun, now I can access to fb anywhere! Ok fine, only places with free wi-fi spots. And dam, I cant blog with the i-touch. They say wat haf to cr8 picasa account. Zzz, nvm.
Muhaimin is playing SF! wahaha, time to import my skills to him lol.
VelociT is coming soon, only staying for SG portion, but dam the meeting today made me dam angry that I am going to miss out SO MUCH AT THE MAWAI ECO CAMP!!!!! It looks dam bloody cool!!

Vendor:"Over there you will see many animals like the pan-tha"

The vendor looked like Thiru, seriously. So Thiru teaches history while this brother teaches Geography. Wow! Humanaties Brothers! lol.
My group leaders even said that there were alligators in the river o.o.
Mr siow had fun insulting the monkeys, saying that we should literally lock up our luggage to prevent monkeys from ripping them open, then you will see underwears on the roof. =.=


I Posted
2:18 PM

Monday, November 02, 2009

You should try this out, I can guess your number! <click>
Results are out, I checked on the E-stream thing, and i realised I am eligible for 9 subs, wow.
Anyways, thanks to the wonderful and kind teachers, I have to chiong my homework so that I can enjoy the holidays........ And today's finally co prac!

P.S I lost my Er Hu Grading book dammit....

I Posted
10:46 AM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop