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Thursday, October 29, 2009
-no title-

Lyrics | Symphony lyrics
Great, today's the second last day of school. Basically, the past few days in school were spent either checking scripts, checking CCA verification, doing CIP, or mainly playing UNO, Stress or DM(LOL). Dammit man, my SA2 results were so bad.... So I wouldn't want to post them up, let's all wait for tomorrow's overall result... I seriously hope my MSG does not hit 4.... IF NOT IM SCREWED!
Got selected as a VELOCI-T participant, which I am only gonna for 3 days in SG, cause my Grading Exam is like, 3 days after the camp... Let's hope it does not affect my EXCO position either... So everyday, its either I play com, watch movie online or spam EH.
Today, by the way, was VS's X-country day! I participated in the mass run though. At the start of the race,wa, Ivan said that he did not want to chiong, didnt expect him to chiong in front of me so fast. The teachers took part too, spouting nonsense like, "Can we start 5 metres in front? We are old men and women." Lol. At first, me and Ivan were like the top few, but my stamina drew me back and soon, even Yong Siang passed me...

*Yong Siang runs past me*
KYS :" Lol"
*Turns back and laughs*

Hahas, but being intimidated by him, I ran in front of him, and didnt see him till the end of the run =P. As usual, that STUPID ****ing fainting spell came again, and thanks to Mr Chen (i think? i was a bit blur), I managed to survive the trip back to school.
School ended rather early, so a few of us went back to class and played DM... Thereafter, my mum brought me to Bras Basah to buy some EH strings, since mine broke yesterday, and the CO room ain't gonna be open for like a... how long? After then, my mum brought me to the doctors to check on my fainting spell thing. Found out that its just an EIA, or Exercise Induce Asthma... Hmm, this asthma thing had not attacked me since like err, last 3 years or so? I do not welcome you, dam asthma, go home.
And thus I got an inhaler, which I HAVE to bring to the VELOCI-T camp, and just some dam check-up. Went for X-ray, which killed millions of my cells, and an ECG test, shortly afterwards. And there's a dam blood test this Sat... Blood test.... Is this gonna hurt?! hmmm, so my wrist will have a hole... Argh! =.=
Tomorrow's last day of school!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!! 6A reunion can finally be planned peacefully.
Sat's plan of going to Escape Theme Park... Hmm, Marcus, why choose that place or all other places...

I Posted
7:05 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009
Post Exam!

Great, exams are finally over! And today was the start of the (boring) post-exam activities... Well, today's was an inter-class Ultimate frisbee competition for us Sec2s, and for once my class actually won till the semi finals! =P. Well, we actually had the chance to be second, but it screwed up when me and Adrian subbed in... We totally screwed up... =.=, and in the end we caused our team to be 4th, sorry lah~. No medal sian...
But the whole event was totally boring, thats before i got subbed. We all kena forced to sit in the field and watch the whole thing. In the end, me, Ad and ZT played UNO and stress. But we still got bored... Haiz.
Spent most of my time after school spamming SF with ZT, i mean literally spamming.... =.=
Monday is the start of CO again!! Can't wait!~ =P
The Er Hu exam is getting closer....
I'll probably not update this blog once in a while here and there, because I no time, spam SF! =P

I Posted
8:53 PM

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I hate facebook for its freakin spamming of emails. Yesterday I received 90 emails. Today i received 590 emails. Wth laa! I wasted 10mins of my life deleting them... But the Icy Tower app on facebook is fun! =P
Left Chinese paper!!! RAWR!!

I Posted
10:47 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Exams are UNOFFICIALLY over!!!! Cause now left the languages paper part 2, which we don't really have to study much! Science SA2 today was so-so, although I heard that people actually did not have time to finish their paper, right Ivan? Lol, people actually forgot to bring their calculators to today too, Zhong? But his maths is pro so probably no worries. The only problem i had today was the drawing of the reflection from the light source to the solar panel thing, using a protractor, which I did not bring... And Ms Ricca lied us to "donate" a dollar to the school book shop by threatening us that if we did not bring a chemistry stencil, will minus 1 mark, and today's paper didnt even come out a single question on drawing... Oh great! Exams officially end next Tuesday, wonder what I'm gonna do... Oh, my EH grading exams are near too... I guess I have to practice...

Halloween is near! (I think) Many things have been updated due to the event! The Night Safari's Halloween horrors event is cool!! People dress up as ghosts, monsters, zombies, clowns and they walk around the place to scare you!! Even on the tram ride, people portray as ghosts and act on the grass beside the tram, trying to scare you... But, you never know if that person is a real one or not... heheh... The Restaurant there even made the effort to change its menu. Dessert would be fresh eye balls, actually lychee and raisin. Click <here> to have a peek of what's gonna take place!
Restaurant City also updated itself to fit into the mood of halloween, which ghost exterior decos, and also halloween foods. I spam bought the gothic divider...
Soldier Front also!! New map! Horror Shanghai, the whole map is freakin spooky la! Blood everywhere, even the dustbin got hand sticking out. The sky is super red and the sea is like blood? Its just like there was a zombie invasion going on...

View in the office
View from the bridge
Well, all the best for eng paper tmr! =P

I Posted
8:38 PM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
-no title-

Okay... So my blog was dead... No time to update. Anyway, 3 papers gone now! Eng Compo, Chinese Compo and that darn Maths paper... Maths to me was relatively... Medium... Now I just have to face the History and Science paper, then i consider myself to have finished the SA2, cause the languages paper would not be that stressful. HISTORY SEQ, I AM WORRIED ABOUT IT!!

I Posted
11:32 AM

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
OHP Rampage

Great, the whole class was playing with the spoilt OHP once again, this time they spam on the OHP during recess, thinking that the smell shuld be gone after the plastic covering the bulb wa removed. (The plastic board had melted seriously, and had a hole in the middle). But who knows, the OH released its fragranced once again and Ivan ran out shrieking, carrying his bag too =.=. Thereafter, Marc Nincompoop Tan displayed his brilliance by pouring water into the OHP. Now it was then Marc Tang was running around trying to on it and run back. =.= In the end, nothing special happened when we turned the OHP on, only that much water had evaporated o.o. And Zhao was saying about boiling water from there. Lol. Good luck drinking water vapour. I guess Marc Tang must be having a very fun time playing with the OHP everyday and expecting me to blog about it.-.-''. But seriously, this OHP accident is all thanks to Haziq the great... Nowadays whenever a teacher comes in, Marc Tang would go to him or her asking if they wanted to use the OHP...
History practics SBQ paper came back. Owned it =P 17/20. Now this is giving me the confidence for SA2 history paper. FOR HISTORY ELECTIVE! =].
So far I have finished Maths, History, majority of science, majority of Chinese (I seem to have forgotten about it...), and little on English... Rama's getting pissed with the class's behavior... PE theory? Bah who cares =P, its a load of crap and bulls__t paper. Well, all the best including me and everyone out there for their exams! Hooray for 20th October!! =P

P.S Siglap Mosque caught fire o.o....

I Posted
7:41 PM

Monday, October 05, 2009

Changed the background of the blog, tag if u dun like it, then i'll change it back

I Posted
3:28 PM

Thursday, October 01, 2009
Happy Children's Day

Happy Children's Day! =]
I wish I had a holiday today.....
Well, it wasnt that bad today, quite fun. Morning was History, and Daryl Tan gave us a mock paper, which I think I owned it =P. Then was err, Maths, which Mr Lee gave us the direct and inverse proportion test, in which I immediately lost 4 marks because I simply forgotten to put, "where k is a constant". Dammit, I'm so screwed. However, during the test, Mr Lee went to Hamzah's table, where there was a joy buzzer on his table. Without knowing, he went to press it himself and immediately jumped. LOL WHOLE CLASS WAS LAUGHING LIKE SHIT. Curiousity killed Mr Lee. Then was recess and mother tongue next. We had our Gong Han mock too, which I chionged and finished first, and after helping ZT which his letter, I realised I missed out a lot of points... Finally was Music! Mr Awyong went through asian music, first of was chinese orchestra in which he asked those in VSCO to come up and explain their instrument. Lol, when Chanuja said he was from percussion, everyone laughed o.o. Then he showed us a vid on a CO performance in which we didnt know that the temporary teacher was in it and was playing the YangQin 0.o.... Finally, we watched the remaining parts of Grease. Lol, the race part was funny, it reminded me of NFS, but the cars were soooooo slow =.=. And the final song was funn!! "Ra-ma-la-ma" LOL, Haziq said Rama must have been the legend of that time.
I'm finally onto chapter 7 of my history textbk! =P

I Posted
2:55 PM


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No Ripping
No talking bad about people
Those who fail to comply to these simple rules shall result in severe torture!!!
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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop