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Monday, August 31, 2009
Class reunion

Yay, went back to my Primary Sch finally for Teacher's day is today, but first, what happened in VS...
Ok basically, nothing happened during our private party session, no one brought chips nor drinks. =.= And thus we spent the whole 1 hour watching random old funny videos from Marc Tang's decision. And after our "bonding" session, we went down the hall for the concert. The best part was Mr Lee breakdancing... Its like, wtf... But surprising, there's no sound when he lands, or is the music too loud... lol o.o. And thereafter, we had a quiz session of guessing whose baby is it (teachers) and also who is this teacher, where they show the old young photos of the teachers. LOL BEN KHOR LOOKS LIKE SOME GANGSTER AND MARAN LOOKS WEIRD WITHOUT HIS MUSTACHE... After school, went up to the CO room to perform for Mr Daniel Tan and left around 11.20, in preparation of meeting up momo and mus to go back. The bus ride was fun! We took 31 and missed a stop from our school, leading us to the interchange... Thereafter we randomly went to T1 and enjoyed the air-con, and Mustaqim suddenly disppeared from us in the mall, but then met up again mysteriously at the coffee club. Thereafter, we took some bus to Yumin, which is my primary school. After reaching, we went to 201 to buy some gifts for the teachers. So we bought 3 $1 flower pot note holding thing, and we are not gonna gif all of them to 1 teacher, saying its from each of us, we are going to gif 1 flower pot to 1 teacher, saying its from all of us... How cheap can we be, (33 cents each) XD. And on the road to walking to the primary school, momo mysteriously disappeared but met him up again at the entrance... Now, at Yumin Primary....
Arrived rather early, the first person we saw was Avril... And we had to sign in to enter the school. o.o. We then went to the canteen and got scared, 2 years without girls and it feels so weird. (I'm not gay). But soon got used to it again and had fun catching up. Soon our gang of Marcus Shu, Ling Xu, Muhaimin, Mustaqim, Terence and the other girls formed up. Had a hunt to look for the teachers lol. And darn Marcus for leaving early to go to Swensens with his friends. After some catching up of old memories, we decided to go to Festival park near the school to catch up together. And what a nice bonding session we had of sitting down in a circle and stoning there. =.=. Pro Yu Hui, silently snapping pics. Thereafter, we played truth or dare... and around 4pm we went home, well not really, went to the nearby playground for more fun. And we remembered how childish we were back then, and actually re-enacted them out =.=''. There was basically a flappy bridge and we tell one person to stand in the middle. 2 of them will then stand of both sides and start jumping wildly, causing the middle guy to experience an earthquake. hahas. Thereafter, we went on our separate ways home... Here's a photo though : 

Yea, thats all, bye =]

I Posted
6:14 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009
-no title-

Yay, another spongebob figurine to my collection! I <3>Today's dazu was bad... Dizi screwed up big time, dam pro lor! Monday btr play properly XD.
P.S All the best to those IP people!

I Posted
9:25 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

But Melissa Lim said it looks like a cat... A few... ok fine most exams have passed namely, Maths, English, Chinese. Tomorrow will be the final paper! History! Can totally own the paper tomorrow =x I hope... Bleah, now have to design clothes for the teddy...

I Posted
8:25 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009
The greatness of being quarantined..

Okay... Being quarantined inside the professional room ain't that bad... The air is circulated and thus the whole classroom is cooled. And the tables are placed in a nice unique way, rather than in normal classes. And the space in the classroom can be rather fun! But today's fun went a little wild.
Morning, we ponned assembly as usual, and I was forced to be make-up monitor to lead the sing-along session of the national anthem and the pledge... Then it was history, nothing unique so skip skip. Then was Maths, had our Notations test and I think i screwed up terribly, thus i hate MCs. Thereafter, as our pathetic class had also no choice but to STOP social distancing from others, our recess had been pushed to 11.20, no one around, so fun. No long queues. And thanks to the big windows of the professional room, we all had fun climbing out of the windows as our shortcut from the class to the canteen, and also as our pathway to getting things outside. (We had fun flinging bottle caps which kept flying out of the class...) Mother tongue lesson was before recess btw, and once again because of no social distancing, we cant go ANYWHERE ELSE except our classroom, and thus, yes, no official mother tongue lesson was taught. Finally were PE-T and music, where the teachers came down instead to teach us. Eh, no free period T_T. Anyway, if lessons are being cut because of the pandemic in my class (more than half in my class got the fever. I THINK 17/42 came to sch during one of the days), then what for come to sch... Sianx.

Other fun stuff:-
- We saw a grasshopper outside the window. Marc Tang immediately goes to the class cupboard, takes an empty home econs sewing bag and attempts to catch the grasshopper, result : I leapt away...
- Some joker said a moth flew into my pencil case during recess. I came back to check my pencil case, nothing. At the end of the day, i zipped closed my pencil box, then remembered to check if everything was inside, unknowingly i faced the pencil box to Ivan's direction and out of a sudden a moth flew out of my pencil case. Deja vu... =.=

P.S AHH! Its been long since I typed so much...

I Posted
3:48 PM

Sunday, August 09, 2009
Happy National Day ! =]

Yay, happy national day! Marks Singapore's 44th year of independence. The effects for the show of TV was nice, especially when they formed the merlion head using their flashing red orbs... And there was a performance being played on er hu and pi pa lolss... "What do you see"? The NDP song for this year. Ok lah, so-so. But i think I saw Lee Kuan Yew was sleeping... o.o. 10 chapters for this NDP show. And the stand up for singapore song's genre totally changed... =.=

EH, the performance is too long for the finale, 8.22's pledge time wasnt on time, tsk tsk tsk...

P.S I think the government people are too stressed or what, when they have to stand up to sing, during the 10th chapter, they looked a bit blur >.<''

I Posted
8:14 PM

Saturday, August 08, 2009
-no title-

Lols, now 2C's survivors left 17 people, and most people who fell ill took the h1n1 pill... And I forgot to say that yes, I did have a fever, record temperature of 39.4 degrees celcius... But I didn't take that pill btw, i just took normal pills from doctors prescriptions! I heard that its side effects causes hallucinations.... (See things that you're not supposed to see 0.o) Dam, the mc is killing all of us, I dont tink we have enough time for CA2 preparation... Its like 1 whole week of no school, whereas CA2 is THAT close, and plus even if they were to upload to e-learning, I doubt we will have that energy to go online... I hope 2C gets excused from CA2 XD.

<Click> here to see a photo of 2C'S survival of the fittest LOL. Apparently a few of the survivors fell ill too a day after... =.='' The photo is from Ezra's facebook, so the other pics in his album are not in relation..

P.S. those who were absent were all online Facebook o.o

I Posted
10:40 AM

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

DAM, i hate my fainting spells....
Yes, i ran for my 2.4km today! And I got a personal best timing of 13 min! And guess what, I got dam dizzy after the run and almost fainted dam it. Lucky got teacher, if not i died, and i skipped 10 mins of mother tongue class! Yea! But fainting spells are no joke i tell u, you will feel like you can fall out of balance anytime and sleep...
I hope that this fainting spell will stop by today!!
And Marc, i caught the flu virus from u!!! >=(

I Posted
7:15 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop