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Sunday, July 26, 2009
Have you faced your fears?

Ya, as the title states, have you really faced your fears? Well, if you have, then have a go at this.
The following link i am going to provide, is not to a movie, nor to a p__n web.
Click <here> to test how brave u r.....
The game is called "Hotel 626", its a horror, adventure, point and click, escape, flash game.
The game starts when you wake up from a night sleeping in a hotel, then you get out of your room and try to find your way out when things start getting weird...

Tips to get the best effects:
- Close yourself in a room, alone
- Off all sources of lights, except your computer / laptop.
- On the aircon, to get the coldness in the air...
- Max your computer's volume, or put on earphones
- Never get distracted, eyes on the screen

Yea, good luck and pls comment on my tag board, even though its boring to you, and for those sadistic ppl, laugh on my tag board. lol

- This game was made by Doritos
- YES, its the brand of chips you eat
- This game can only be played from 6pm to 6am, thus its called 626.
- Webcam is optional, for you will be taking your photo, and your photo will be inside the game, in one of the levels.

Have fun ! =]

I Posted
8:38 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009
Our first comm meeting

Okay... So our first comm meeting was rather FUN and ENTERTAINING...
It was held after school at 2pm, but me and adrian just went up straight after school (as usual). After some time after 2pm, the meeting started and Yong Siang told us to get into a circle. Eusebio was present, but not Mrs Setho. He then briefed us on our different roles etc etc. Then we discussed on the previous batch's pros and cons, and Yong Siang kept asking us about their cons. lol. Thereafter, around 4pm the meeting ended. It was then the fun started lol. We first had fun bullying the wild, mental, Stanson, who ran and hopped around like a wild beast. Then we attacked Eusebio, and of course he counter-attacked us. And finally we had our bonding session with a game of "tee tee tee". lol, and a game of "heart attack", where we played while we sing random NDP songs, I guess we are celebrating NDP much much earlier. Finally, at 6pm, we were all tired and decided to go home, thus we ended it of with the VS cheer! And Ernest was screaming around ><. Lol, now i know what the previous batch's commitee do during meeting....

I Posted
11:11 PM

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Speech Day 133!

Today was Victoria's Speech Day! And i was both a prize recipient and a performer. Well, I received the prize for getting top in level for d n t last year. The prize was basically a small medallion with my name inscribed on it =]. 
Anyways, the prize rehearsal was a dam waste of time!! It was just the walking and bowing procedure and we must wait for all participants to complete the rehearsal, and there were like 500+? They should dismiss those who have completed the procedure lo! After walking and bowing, we just sat back onto our chair and waited, for 1 hour, dam bored. Thereafter, i heard from adrian that co prac break from 11 to 2pm, and my rehearsal only ended at 12.30, so i ask him wait for me while i meet him at PP, when my rehearsal done, he sms me say he comin back... =.="
Luckily for me, during the actual prize giving, i had adrian's sms and hand signals to spend my time. 
Many packets of lunch were left, and everyone was forced to bring back home 1. In the end there were 20 packets left. Ways to get rid of them:-
1) Stack the packets at the buffet table in the canteen and put a note, saying "Set Meals"
2) Just slot 1 packet for pigeon hole of the teachers, each packet with the note "Thanks for your teaching and happy speech day!"
3) Just give all of them to Bryan.

Well, thats all for this post =].

P.S i am getting lazier to blog...

I Posted
10:18 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Happy bday to Spongebob

Happy 10th Birthday to Spongebob Squarepants! =]

I Posted
7:09 PM

Thursday, July 09, 2009
2 wonderful things

2 wonderful things :-

1) I received a letter saying that i'm a prize recipient for Speech Day 09, will be receiving a medal with my name inscribed on it =] (Its for getting first in level for D N T lol)

2) Post for VSCO committee' 09 results have been released! (too some of us only). I'm an assistant librarian and an assistant student conductor!

Ok well, being an assistant student conductor will be scary. I can take my own strings from the cupboard too~=].

Gratz to :-
Kai Hui for being ASL of Xian Yue!
Yong Siang for being CHAIRMAN!
Ernest for being VICE CHAIRMAN!

All the best to committee 09 =]

P.S Those this mean I do not need to attend the night walk? Yes!!!!!

I Posted
8:43 PM

Monday, July 06, 2009
Usain bolt trashes record, a walk through the replay.

I Posted
3:34 PM


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No Ripping
No talking bad about people
Those who fail to comply to these simple rules shall result in severe torture!!!
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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop