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Monday, June 22, 2009
H1N1 Strikes VS

Great... Now VS is one of the schools who gets struck by the pig flu. I wonder who it was. Prac has been cancelled today, and (maybe?) for the rest of the holidays. This also gives a chance for us to get the extra week holiday =], with full of e-learning to do =[. When school reopens, watch everyone in masks and sterile gloves. The prefect reciting the pledge will most probably have to muffle every word. I wonder why US hasnt given out the vaccine for the babi flu. Oh well, all the best to us remaining VS from not getting this flu. And I guess the torch relay event is gonna get messed up too. The torch runs past our school while he sighs as he listens to the silence, no cheers no claps.  =x

Anyways, thats all for this post

P.S stay near malays for the time being, 99% wont get h1n1

I Posted
2:54 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009
Killer whale playing volleyball with Sea Lion!!

I was viewing National Geographic clips on youtube and I found this.
Have a laugh at this!.

So funny! The sea lion was tossed around in the sea and then brought back to shore....

I Posted
3:08 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Long Post =]

Spent the whole day at CO today, cleaning up the room in the morning. Arrived at around 9am. Then just waited for instructions. At 9.30 Eusebio then gave all the different jobs and me and Sulwyn were sent to scores sorting while the other people were sent to clear out the storage room. We sorted the Jiang Jun Ling song first, did it quite fast too. So I was telling myself "Should take no less than 30 mins =]". How would I know that the forbidden cupboard held more than 20 songs... In 1 hour, we were HALF completed... Anyways, by 11.30, we were almost done, then I noticed some more scrap scores on the floor and had to sort them out too. By 12pm, we finally finished sorting out all scores and we just had to put them together with the master copy. I also realised that the people in the store room were creating things with the scrap pieces of instruments. They made a podium and took it as an auction table, auctioning stuff they found behind the sliding whiteboards, like FF10 posters... Btw, I even found Liu Qins and Cellos totally wrecked, they have big holes in the middle of the whole instrument...... 
At 12.30pm, the clean up ended. Me, Ad, Kai Hui and Clifford sat on the floor for a rest, discussing about Eusebio's nationality.

Kai Hui:"He is Portugese, malay, indian.
Me:"He is Philippine" 
Ad:" He is Pakistan!"
*Eusebio comes to strangle us*

The Mac was freaking crowded. Lunch hour, wad u expect... Ate at Banquet instead. Anyways, while taking a bus ride back to VS, this guy sat next to us and started handing some "brochure". 

"Read and Believe"

Oh, the paper was "advertising" the christianity. Lols. Brought it back to the CO room.

Kai Hui:"Bryan, Joshen  got something he wan gif you"
*Bryan walks to me*
Bryan:" Joshen, Kai Hui say you wan gif something to me"
*Shows him the holy paper*

Lol, an anti-christ. So from then on, we got our secret weapon of keeping Bryan away from us, that is until when during prac, Bryan came out with the satan logo and shout :"You can't get me!" Kai Hui took the satan logo, and showed it to Eusebio when he came. Eusebio then took it and crushed it. I guess the bad never wins over the good... Bryan was mourning over his crushed satan logo. I thus confirm that Bryan is the devil >=) and Eusebio is the god O=). 

When the instructor came, he just went through Jiang Jun Ling twice and said that we can go for never ending break. From 3-5 .30 we practised our own stuff =]. Lol, and we played Jiu Ge during the last minutes of prac for fun. Thereafter was debriefing. Apparently someone took out the podium and Eusebio gave his speech with it. "WA, BARACK OBAMA, MUST LISTEN". Lol. He also used a hammer that i made using the er hu sound box and the tuning mechanism. Thereafter prac ended at 6pm. Lol, such a fun day =].

I Posted
2:44 PM

Monday, June 08, 2009
I went to sentosa

Morning, went to school at 11.30 for an interview with the CO comm members. I admit I was a little nervous, as in, sitting on the chair with 5 pairs of eyes looking at me... Went to sentosa to celebrate my dad's bday! Arrived there at about 2? Had to pay a bloody $8 ($2 per person, $2 per car... wtf?) for entry. Drove around to explore the new stuffs, like the IR thing, still under construction and also some rich hotel which i heard it costs $700 per night. Only rich people (like the young rancher earning S$334 million by gambling) can afford 1 week. Soon, we sat on the Skyline and Luge. We bought 2 tickets for 2 rides each for me and my dad. since they were on promo. Freak, I'm afraid of heights! =X. Once at the top, we wore a stinky helmet and proceeded to the Luge. First try, we played safe, driving down the hill slowly with occasional brakes. The ride was quite fast and before I knew it, we were at the base of the hill already. The second time, the Skyline ride wasnt that scary already. And we just chiong down the hill on the luge. Hahas. And at a turning corner, there were this retarded malay couple, stopping there just to take a photo. Did you read the sign that says no blocking the road? Nvm... Thereafter met up with my mum's friend and because they complained the weather to be very warm, we wasted 1 hour and 45 minutes sitting at delifrance, talking. Also saw a peacock though and it kept looking away when i was taking its pic. C'mon, not nid to be shy. Thereafter, sat on the luge one more time with them and thus ends the day. Ate a bday dinner at some restaurant, which in the end my dad paid the bill. lololol.... Thats all for today! =]

I Posted
9:13 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop