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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My hair seems like a lush grassland i know, stop laughing at me... (Nvm, it will grow in 1 month time!) Exams are NEXT WEEK and some people still dare to say they havent STARTED revision. A famous eg would be ______. Finally d n t is about to be over!!!!! By tomorrow i shall have my hands off ALL projects. Today's HCL presentation wasnt so bad lol. We interviewed KOI cafe and we gave the teach a sample from koi and a sample from a random milk tea shop (sweet talk). She didnt drink it so we shared it with the whole class but all the ice already melt so the whole thing was diluted ><. And Chien Yun purposely did this:

*Drinks the Koi milk tea*
CY: Ahh, so refreshing
*Drinks sweet talk milk tea*

He actually also brought 3 menus from the shop itself, lucky boy, you know the boss... I stayed back to do my rewriting of the narrative essay which rama CLAIMED me to have copied from a set narrative. Darn her. I adapted the idea and changed the whole storyline mind you. Thereafter stayed behind to study maths then went home. It was rainy and thus i was very sleepy. Lol, thunder rumbled so loud once during maths class that Mr Lee actually said "Whoa". I hope i can score in this SA, i seriously have put in much effort...

By the way, if Victoria Integrated Programme is called VIP, then Raffles Integrated Programme is RIP? No wonder so many ppl die there from studying...

PS. shuld i go ip?

I Posted
9:01 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009
What happens after SYF

Okay, so today has been a rather fun and exciting day lol. Science was the first period and Mr Koh gave us a final review lesson on Turning Effects Of Force, which later he gave us a test on... Lucky for me i managed to complete all questions! Only that the last question i believe i got wrong, 3 marks gone liddat... PE was next and we had PE theory lesson instead somehow. We watched a vid on "The School Nationals" and watched RJC rugby team get owned 3 nil by Hwa Chong (i think). Recess, smuggled a packet of twisties for enduring Rama's lesson (shh =x). Lit, teacher went through with us the set poem (got set piece then also got set poem) entitled "Dulce et decorum est" which means is good and right in latin. After writing notes on the whiteboard, we were then instructed to hand up our multimedia poems. While loading up into his lappy, apparently me and hafiz and some other ppl started editing his notes on the whiteboard by erasing words and letters. In the we got words like this:
" Rama, pitiful, unstable mind, lagger"
Lol, we laughed like mad till the real Mrs Rama suddenly appeared outside the classroom door and Chanuja erased everything on the whiteboard. It seems that she didnt even notice anything lol. Enjoyed my packet of twisties through her lesson (finished it in 5 mins...) and she gave us a prac of summary writing. Unknowingly, i managed to complete it and i feel that its totally correct. Maybe i shall star having the habit of doing the compre quickly and doing a draft of finding the main points for my summary before even starting for my exams. After we had CO prac, which main motive is to "free prac". We had fun spamming JG and CG though SYF was over and Bryan was like coming to us saying "SYF over liao dont play the songs". After some time of practicing, in the end we helped the juniors sec 1 instead. (Actually i didnt help, Ernest and Jeremy were the ones conducting the sec1s whereas me and marc extra join in XD). At 3.15, we were then released for a break and went outside the CO room to be welcomed with a table full of PIZZAS and DONUTS. It was to celebrate our achievement =]. In all, i ate 1 Hawaiian pizza and 2 donuts. At 4.10, we then returned back to class for debrief, with Mrs Setho's inpirational speech. Well, i guess it is time for the sec 4s to step down. So sad cant "bully" the chairman le. (He claimed that i was bullying him by shaking him vigorously, whereas he was the one doing it on me 3 times, while i did onto him 3 times too. Is that bully?!) Bye sec 4s and i wish you all the best for your o lvls.

Anyway, my chinese project required me to interview a food shop of a diff race, so my group decided to interview S'pore's zam zam restaurant. Go google yourself if you wanna find out abt it. CY then called me,

CY: Hey, can you help me call the zam
Joshen: Huh, why?
CY: I cant understand what they talking, they talk halfway i put down phone
Joshen: Lol, they talk English?
CY: I think so...
Joshen: *laughs*

Apparently he cant decide what language the opposite was talking. So in the end i did call up to ask if we could interview them. I spoke to them in a very nice and polite tone and all they give me is a shit short word called "no" and bye. At least you could politely say "oh sorry, no". I don't care, CY and his fren's comin down on sat, so see you, impolite indians. (I shall let you off, predicting that the fact that maybe you didnt attend school before) Btw, Jordan's critique abt the Mrs Tan review abt VS boys is so cool! Go to his link and read it if you can! =]

P.s Sec 2 dun go I.P!!

I Posted
7:40 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
SYF We got GWH!

Well, i guess whats done cant be undone, we all have tried our best, and attained GWH, Gold w/o Honours, aka only gold. Well, that aint the end of the world, gold is still good! =] The most we work harder for SYF'11. Well done everyone! Eusebio appreciates all your good effort. Now let me talk abt what we did the whole day today...

I arrived school at 8.15, at 8.20 Marc came outside the CO room and we both decided to attend normal classes for a while. We were outside the classroom when we heard the Chia's loud voice, "EH BOY!" We both were stumped for a while until we noticed that he as scolding the boy in front of us, we then scampered into the class while greeting the teacher.

Me and Marc: 老师早!
Teacher: Marc, 你不要跑掉!还欠我功课!

What a nice welcome. Anyways, had fun answering questions till 8.30, then we left for CO prac, and yes we literally ponned, no, skipped school for the whole day. DaZu prac till 12pm when we were let off for our lunch and also getting dressed. by 1.45, everyone was ready and we soon set off for SCH. Upon reaching, many schools were already there (duh). Instructors helped tune our instruments, then we waited. Sat on the floor beside Lin Chun and his hand was super cold... We then came up a random topic abt what 小阮s ar, and soon all of us had a "weird" meaning for it. 又小又软, thats what Lin Chun said, up to you to think wad it refers to. Soon, we then went to the tuning room where we practiced once more for a while with Mr Goh. Apparently we though that he was going to go up stage with his Hang Ten shirt but we were all wrong, we got dressed into his nice black oriental shirt. It was soon our turn after the intermission, now i was getting nervous at this point of time. Stepping up the stage seemed as if i was stepping into hell... Bloody scary. I managed to block off all scary thoughts during the songs and managed to do my taifeng and *smile*. After what seemed like an eternity, we finally finished playing and exited the hall, and the whole place. (We were not allowed to stay T_T). Everyone was talking about how they screwed up, how they heard people screwed up and how Clifford broke his string during the song. We then took the bus back and Eusebio released us for another short break to wait for the news. Went down and bought a Chicken Burger and a packet of soya bean. Kayne shared his "treasures", which are also his secrets on how to get to his size =x. While talking to some friends, Eusebio RANDOMLY started bullying me T_T.

*Strangles me on the kneck*
*Struggles to see who is the irritating one doing that...*
Eusebio : Did you screw up during the performance?
Me: No...?

Thereafter, time to time he continued bullying me, and soon i took my revenge, wahahaha >=). Close to 6pm, Jing Qun then announced the results, and as you all already know, we got  Gold! =]. Be happy everyone! At the same time he announced which schools got what awards, when he came to RI getting silver, everyone was shouting HALF DAY FULL DAY YEA!!! =.=''

Congrats to the following schools who managed to get GWH up till now!=]
-Temasek Secondary School
-Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)
-Chung Cheng High School (Main)
-Pasir Ris Seconday School

I bet Hwa Chong's gonna claim another gold with honours... 

I finally done up my d n t "blueprint". Its so wonderfully designed that you will cry when you see it! =] (I dont mean cry in sorrow thats its so ugly...)

Thats all for this post, once again thanks everyone for the effort made =] 2 FULL DAYS, maybe 1 and a half day, IS COMING!!! YEA!!!

I Posted
10:24 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009


I will be missing 2 important periods of maths and 3 important periods of d nt.... =(

I Posted
10:02 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Ps. Thanks for the donut and the *er hem* encouragement letter, Eusebio

I Posted
1:47 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I somehow like part K of JG...

Okay, so well, today's maths test was... *sighs*... SUPER PERFECT!!! I totally know how to do every single question, and now CY, we do not owe anyone a cup of KOI anymore!!! WAHAHAH. I came up with my exam schedule ler, study schedule, so i'm gonna stick to it!!
Had to go to PP after school just to buy a stupid balloon for physics project with Mr Koh, A balloon, but in the end we bought a packet of 8, and rushed back to school at around 2.30 we reached. Mr Koh, our physics teacher, was still not there... Apparently, our project concerns electricity, and he said that one experiment needs to be supervised by him, since he wants to see the results himself, ensure safety among us and also to see us get electrocuted. The experiment was about rubbing a clean fluorescent tube with a balloon and it will magically glow... We then ran out to find Mr Koh, where we found him on 5th floor bridge. "Give me 2-3 mins" He says... So we waited and spam blow balloons, which Adrian got addicted to kicking it up to the fans and watching it fly around nonsensically, though he wanted them to burst. When Mr Koh finally came, he said.

Mr Koh: "Wa you all siao ar, so many balloons, rub until the fluorescent tube explode."
*We then started to throw the balloons at him once in a while*

So, we tried the experiment but in the end, the experiment failed... He said that it was a good try, and it wasnt fun since we didnt get electrocuted... He then taught us a new experiment which we can put in the stead of that failed one. We found the theory part to the failed experiment too, although it seems that it SHOULD work..

"Many electronic devices and equipment are made possible because of electrons. Televisions, computer monitors, and video games all use a device called a cathode ray tube. The cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube that emits a beam of electrons onto a screen. As the electrons hit the screen, which is coated with a fluorescent material, they cause the screen to glow, producing an image. Photocells in cameras are based on a phenomenon called the photoelectric effect. When light shines on a metal, the loosely held electrons are shot off of the surface of the metal. For any particular metal, a particular frequency of light must be used for the photoelectric effect to take place."

This sucks... The experiment that Mr Koh taught us was the classic tissue dance effect where you use static to attract bits of paper to make them float around. Marc then spammed rub the balloon on his HAIR, until the balloon slipped from his hand and flew up high, almost hitting the fan. 

Anyway, went late for CO prac, about 3 then go. Since we were having sectionals, i didnt know which class, so i sms and called the 3 seniors, and in the end, found them just above me... The sec 3s had to think of the JG tai fengs.... Lol... We then had full dress rehearsal today, everyone was in black shirt, black long pants, black belt, and a red school tie. We kept criticizing about Chanuja, saying that he just have to wear a tie for SYF... The rehearsal was fun! With Eusebio coming in on the last min due to his Science competition. SYF just 6 more days!!! ARGH!

I Posted
8:14 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I forgot to post...

Great, i forgot to post last sat or sun... Well, went out to catch a movie entitled "Knowing", half horror half action. The storyline's like this, dont read if you dont want a spoiler...

It was the year 1959 and a class of students were being instructed to draw out what they think the future would look like in 50 years time. Everyone did as they were told, except this girl named Lucinda, started spamming numbers on her paper. The teacher didnt understand at first and just slot it into the"time capsule" which holds everyone's ideas and it was placed underground in front of the school. 50 years past, and John, acted by Nicolas Cage, brings his half deaf son, Caleb, to school where they officially take out the time capsule and distribute the contents of it to everyone. Caleb then got Lucinda's paper of numbers. Just as he opened the letter, he noticed a strange guy standing far in front of him. After being distracted by his friend, he turns back to find that the guy had gone away. John then got curious about the numbers and he analyzed it. Finally, he found out that the numbers were actually related to major accidents that happened, where it happened and also the number of deaths, and some major accidents have yet to occur (indirectly saying that part of the numbers are telling the future). He then sets out to try to stop them, but in vain (duh).

Watch the trailer at www.knowing-themovie.com. Its quite scary in the sense that, imagine an aircraft crashes in front of you on the highway and explosions kept happening, and people on fire are all running here and there. Lol, only Daryl Tan would laugh... (He is rumoured to have laugh all the way through the Saw 4 movie...). Go watch the movie yourself, but one thing i must say, the ending of the movie TOTALLY SPOILS EVERYTHING. 

I attended "extra" prac today! All that happened was
- Me practicing with Lin Chun for a while
- Played in front of Eusebio while he is studying to irritate him (lol)
- Eusebio practiced his Chinese Oral
- And Lin Chun and Bryan kept spamming the suo nas till everyone got irritated.
- Finally, Eusebio gave a lesson on the human body

Lol, good luck to Sec 3s oral grades! =] I know its over...? Is it? Err, i dun know... 
D n t is taking a lot of time.... SYF IS JUST NEXT WEEK! Good luck VSCO! =]

I Posted
7:37 PM

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
The cursed sleepy day

I hate this type of day when i get sleepy the whole day for totally no reason. My eyes will shut itself and sleep whenever i blink my eyes. Darn it, even washing my face with water did not help, well apparently it did but only during break time of CO prac...
So, HCL period, did a chinese compo which i did not manage to finish on time thanks to Marc's wonderful teaching and never ending of correcting mistakes in my compo. First time i did not hand up on time, but lucky for me (practically the whole class), the teacher is going to give us extra time tomorrow. =] DnT, went to the workshop and finally started cutting out parts, of the mechanisms only though. My pear-shaped cam looks nice! Whereas Adrian's circular cam... Never mind. 
(blah blah blah skip to last period)
Well, last period was taken up by the Cyber-wellness talk, which we had to complete a worksheet by surfing through the net for info. The teacher told us too that plagiarism can reach to a fine of $20000. After doing the WHOLE thing, i suddenly just realised that, by COPYING the info from the net, aren't we also committing plagiarism, asked the teacher and guess what he said.

"Finally someone finds out this thing! Well done!"
He is actually praising me for committing plagiarism? Bwah whatever. I then asked again.

Me: So by submitting the worksheets, you are indirectly gaining $20000 x 42?
Teacher:  No lah, at least you know. This worksheets will not be given out to anyone else. So you are safe. For now.

What does he mean by FOR NOW? Better not anger him. After school, had CO prac, once again, struggling to keep my eyes open. Forgot to bring plaster to seal my cut, but just realised that it has healed =]. 14 more days to SYF.
Anyway, talking about SYF, congrats to VSCB for getting GOLD. Don't worry VSCO will show you a GOLD WITH HONOURS =]. So work hard everyone, and rest hard too! Everyone's getting sick these few days. My class already got 8 absentees...

I Posted
6:48 PM

Monday, April 06, 2009

I just realised that my blog is 4 years old and has 154 posts only...

I Posted
9:12 PM

Sunday, April 05, 2009
-no title-

Okay, well, i got a cough, a slight runny nose and a cut on my index finger of my LEFT hand, and it seems to be a little deep, did not bleed though, only realised it after prac. Today, my mum got terribly ill too, she said that she feels super giddy and she is now resting from morning to night, and i guess all the housework has to be done since my bro is studying and my dad it out for some stuff. Hmm, so i have to split myself into a few parts such that i can:
1) Practise Gao / Er Hu
2) Study for Physics Test
3) Study for Maths test
4) Housework
5) Homework
6) Weight lifting just for keeping my body in shape and not grow fat. (not those big ones which require both hands)

Lols... I hope she gets better soon. Anyway, while doing a chinese comprehension, i came across a sentence which (to me and maybe not to you) has quite a nice meaning, translated to english for you:

"Let every sunrise be a start to your life, and let the sun down be a paragraph to it."

I think its paragraph? Because in chinese it says : "小结". Well i know its kinda random to just say something abt life but if you picture it out in your mind, its beautiful, tells you that life is some kind of a long story. Hmm, never mind.

Well, i guess this should be all for today's post, bye! =]

I Posted
2:02 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop