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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Studying... Studying.... and studying, argh. Trying to pass my Maths and Physics!

I Posted
2:04 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009
New Cbox

I just installed a new cbox because some retarded spammers just dun understand simple english when they look at the disclaimer of no spamming and impersonating (whatever its spelled -_-'') 

Well, let me tell you this, impersonating is like in primary school times, so old... And from this incident i can say that you are just inmature and thus please do your parents a favour and GROW UP. Basically you are the main reason why god (for VSCO members, its not who you think he is)  created the middle finger. Anyways, dont spam, cause it dirties the cbox and the blog and you are just bringing shame to yourself, by being lame =]. Thankfully, im not like you, i have grown up not to be easily angered by people so yea good luck with your dark path in life, hope you fail in anything you do! All the best =].

Ok, so i dun care who i am "suaning", the guy just has to learn, im actually doing a favour for him to teach him to be.... he should be an "it", not even a human, teaching it to be a good man =]. 

So remember not to spam the cbox again, dun spoil the fun for everyone.

I just realised how good in insulting someone i am... Joking =] Thats all for this post bye!

I Posted
8:42 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
E-learning week

How to cheat on e-learning system:-
1) Do the questions
2) Write the those correct answers that you got
3) Close the window before the last question
4) Do it all over again

Lol, this was what i did for the physics e-learning *shhh*. And i passed by 80/100! Yea!! Just did maths with discussion with friends and we all got full marks!! WOO, and Mr David Lee said we are required to do ws 11 and 12 on our wrkbook through the lms. Lols... Well, i did not use the method above while doing maths. Now waiting for the other subjects to come up while i blog. CE Project group members coming later too, with the leader NOT coming because of CCA, dam him, he is the main char of the whole thing and yet he is not coming. Plus, the project is due next week, wonder if we will even make it. Nvm, competition CCA is important so i will "let him off". (He is dead tomorrow *clenches fist*, *stretches bones with cracking sounds*) No lah, just joking. Hahas. Well, i seem to have forgotten to post abt some relatively important stuff that happened last week, so i am gonna write abt it now.
It was just a rehearsal at SCH, which stands for S'pore Conference Hall and not SCHOOL. We so called had a combined rehearsal with KCCO since they were there as our audience at first, then later it was our turn to be their audience. To me we did rather well, though some of us were to shy to do super tai feng. Hahas. Anyways, while the KCCO played, most of us just slept or talked to one other, no one was paying much attention. Hahas, kinda rude. Nvm. So thats all abt the rehearsal, and also thats all for this post. There may be updates later abt the project so wait for it!

Lol, i just received a scam call, F*** THOSE STUPID FREAKERS ***HOLES. 

*phone rings*
*my mum picks up the phone*

caller : (in chinese) Help, help! I am being beaten up by people
my mum: *frantically* WHAT, WHO ARE YOU?
caller: Your son la
my mum:*puts down phone and tells us* My sons are at home, how to beat. Stuuuupiiiiidd.

Lol, freaking scam suckers! Somemore overseas calling. Haha, just a short update. There will be more updates later =] 
Second time somemore.... 

Lol, just a funny video

Whew, just FINISHED our CE project finally, its a somewhat MTV kind of stuff, and obviously is a video. Probably will upload it after we have viewed it to the class. The whole thing was kinda funny, and all of us had to act "gayish". It was damn embarassing so i will think twice abt uploading it here. The video had a lot of retarded parts too =]. I just realised that with Ivan around, we would not have finished it by today XD. No offence. Anyways, let me just show you a sneak pic of the video... It is none other then....

Please dont kill me Muhaimin. There are much more retarded videos to post! =] Well, thats all and I look forward to the day i post the video. Have fun =]

I Posted
8:30 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009
Blog Skin

I have update my blog skin, nice rite??? ALL DONE BY ME, ONE AND ONLY ME WAHAHAHA! =]

I Posted
10:28 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I went to play on Airforce course!

Hi, early in the morning, i woke up at 5am and prepared to go for a golf game with my 2 uncles. Since one of them rarely comes to S'pore, i decided to not go for my LTW ><. So, we played on NSRCC's Airforce Course, which holes are super long and i used my driver on every tee off. We drove buggies too! But only on the tracks and not on the green so still have to walk here and there. Too bad i sucked today, either top or... you get the idea. My uncles played rather well. So i got owned with an average score of 9 for each hole out of 9 holes. There was this instance where my uncle lent me his "Taylor Made Burner!!" and he was saying like, "This club ar, very good, close eye also can hit, you try ar" I happily tried it and the result i got was my ball flying 90 degrees to the right and my uncle said "See! Can hit leh! But wrong direction..." Lol... I drove the buggy too for some incidents where we had to quicken our game pace. So fun, i think i will pass my driving test in some years time XD. Just joking. Saw lots of birds there too, like grey heron, white heron, kingfisher, canary, etc. So cool!!!! After the game, i went to home to do some holiday homework, and then prepared to go to school for sectionals. Sneaked in a Koi Milk Tea too, heh.... Well, thats all for the day! I SERIOUSLY HOPE THAT I WILL BE ABLE TO FINISH ALL MY HOMEWORK AND PROJECTS....

I Posted
9:21 PM

Monday, March 09, 2009
What to do?

Ok, well, i guess i should start the long posts again, dun want to slack, in everything. I shall start of with what has happened today. First period was the Character Education Period, taken up by a guy from cornerstone, i guess you all should know why, i dun wan to elaborate XD. Next was a short 30 mins maths lesson, which Mr Lee went through a new topic so fast that when the recess bell rang, we were all like...
The speech bubble says "What just happened?" if u cant read. Drawn by me, i know i very free. He also postponed wed's maths test to thursday, woo!! Thereafter, gave Ivan a tutorial on flare during recess and he "praised" me by spam saying to me "You pro-shit". Then, my favourite teacher's lesson, Physics. Mr Koh very funny and random during lessons. Went through the topic on energy. Thereafter was Chinese which we went to the auditorium to attend mass lecture for Chinese Drama on lighting. We got screwed by a teacher before the talk start for our noise. Then, i slept with my eyes open during the talk as the whole thing doesnt concern me since i am acting. Heheh. Final lesson was Geog, which Mr Ron out of the blue played music from his lappy for the class to enjoy while we do our work. After school was CCA time! We got chased out of the classroom during our sectionals prac because sec 4s (we were using their classes) had EL remedial. In the end, we pathetically split up and found ourselves little spaces around the school compound and practiced in groups. I was with Eusebio obviously since we are the only 2 Gao Hu players present. After some practice, CCA ended and i went home. Well, thats all for this post. Stupid deadlines for projects... I hate them!! >=(

I Posted
7:51 PM

Saturday, March 07, 2009
VS Annual Track and Field day

Yesterday was VS's annual T&F day, did not choose to run, but soon regretted it totally as i see them run 1.5km, argh!! Went to mac and koi for food and drinks before going to VJC, and it was totally hot and boring there. Used up every juice in the battery of the electric mini fan i bought, haha... And the house champion of the year is... ROCHORE!! WHOO!! But they say it was the first time... First time meh? I forgotten, i thought last year also got... Nvm, today i a super stormy day and i am totally bored, thus i have the time to blog XD. Well, nothing else to say, so bye!

I Posted
4:49 PM

Thursday, March 05, 2009
no title

Don't feel like blogging today but to keep this blog so called alive, i will, with a short post

I screwed up my CA1

Thats all, have a great day!=]

I Posted
8:40 PM


No Spamming
No Ripping
No talking bad about people
Those who fail to comply to these simple rules shall result in severe torture!!!
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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop