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Thursday, February 26, 2009
VS CA1 results 2009

Darn it!! My CHEM GOT 28/35!!! But still A1 anyway. Chien Yun and Momo, i will beat you next time... Muhaahahaha

I Posted
9:14 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Geog outing to farm

Hi everyone, almost the end of CA1 finally. Lets just give an overall of how it had been...

Chemistry: Suprisingly o.k to do, not that many questions i duno how to do
Geography: I have a feeling i will pass!! But not with flying colours....
Literature: Eh, its ok lo, i just answered the questions based on wad a tink...
English: Still to be tested... TOMORROW!

Yep, so there you have it. Anyways, the stupid OPWS proposal i still cant pass up, wonder what the teachers are doing when i have actually reminded them for 5 times plus sent an email to her too! At least my group had the initiative to start with the other parts first. D & T actually CY made one nice one, but we intend to re-do since he wants to keep that for his profile when he studies overseas, so Sunday i may be going to his house to do! (I pray for that if not my group is dead). OPW period, had our mass lecture by Think____, and the speaker was freakin random... She was saying random things all over and over again. Wonder whats the problem with her... After school, had our Geog outing to the hydroponics farm. Gained new insights on hydroponics and valuable information for our geog proposal on building a hydroponics farm in school. Took a lot of photos but i will just be showing some. And surprisingly some plants were tasty when raw, and i also saw the lavander plant, so nice smell.....

Thats all for this post! Bye!
PS i know i look retarded in my display pic

I Posted
6:34 PM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hellos, make a quick post.
D and T project, on making a simple mechanism using simple materials, well, all gathered up to be a weird looking 招财猫.

I know it seriously looks weird, with the hand so far from its body, well better than nothing. Anyway, played bball today at my house downstairs, and also for the 1st time going out with my fringe down... Spammed aiming and miraculously, most balls went in. 2 point, 98% went in, while i did a 2 consecutive shot from 3 point. Hope i can grow taller, than can slam dunk.... Lol... Thats all for this post, bye!

I Posted
9:46 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's day / Friendship day to all viewers! Have a blessed day with love surrounding you. Have fun hanging out with friends! =]

Freak the Chinese CA anyways, so late then say, next week start the chinese CA!! ARGH!
And i lost my water bottle which is gonna cost me $20 ....

I Posted
1:52 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Homework load is terrible

Hi everyone, its been long since i post, yes i know. I have been wuite busy these few days, including now, so let me just make a short post for today. Well, its about OPW, had our first mass lecture today in the auditorium, about the meaning and making of Katong. We learnt many facts about the place and after the teacher' presentation, we watched a small video clip on East Coast Park' history, and just nice my ggroup was doing on the same place, totally to our advantage, so my group thoroughly paid attention to the clip, jotting down notes when necessary, all except Marc Tang, who spammed read his story book during the whole lecture. I wonder if he is even committed to the project... Well, nvm. 
I also found out that i was the only one being active in the project website... Lol... Truthfully, i just want to get this project done and poof! One project of my load. Well, thats all for this post. Bye!

I Posted
4:38 PM

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I am very sleepy....

Had a very tiring day at school, with one new project coming in, actually not considered to be new, we were notified of it earlier. Its none other than the OPW, which we have to go for field-trips as a group around the area of our given place. And my group' leader is Marc Tang, who is a little demanding, wanting each of us to do a write up on our given place, which is ECP, East Coast Park, about its history, architecture, Flora and Fauna. Thanks to him, i got even more tired at home. But i was made the assistant group leader too. Hahas... And also, Maths lesson, unexpectantly, Mr Lee went through the algebraic expansion thing so fast, that i dun even understand a word of what he's saying. Only 10% of his talk i understood. In the end, it was none other than my helpful and able-to-count-on friends who helped me understand the whole darn thing. I stayed back after school too to compile some D&T stuff, then later taught Momo how to handstand, which took a freakin 1 hour, omg.... He needs the bravery to transfer his weight... Then we came up with our so-called routine, and about 50% of it he has yet to learn and perfect it. Haha. And i hope i dun screw up in this coming's CIP performance, i havent mastered that Xin Nian Zu Qu yet... well, at least i got 80% of it. Hope i manage to complete it by tomorrow... Well thats all, im tired, im going to sleep, darn early, so good night, see you tomorrow, and.... *zzzzz..zzz.......zz*

I Posted
8:21 PM

Monday, February 02, 2009
I scored highest for chem test!!!!!!

Hi everyone, today has been a great day, starting off with the road safety talk by a volunteer from the traffic police and the volunteer is also wearing the traffic police jacket O_o. It was the same talk as last year, showed us the familiar video clip, which us Sec 2s, learnt not to laugh, though the clip was kind of sadistic. For yur info, we got screwed by Mr Maran for laughing. And as expected the inmature Sec 1s were there laughing and clapping all the way. Lucky for them Mr Maran wasnt there. Therefafter, the Sec 1s were behaving unexpectedly badly, they kept answering back (in hokkien known as ti-kee, or iron-teeth). The volunteer said Ïs my talk boring?" And the Sec 1s shouted "YESS!! =D" Totally asking for trouble. Obviously the volunteer got pissed and she started relating some gory stories to us about her experience with some traffic accidents. Then it was quiz time and 1 very funny guy was talking rubbish, at the end of the whole thing, it was expected that he got scolded by Mr Chia. Oooh talking about him, so sad he did not win this year's staff awards... After assembly was Maths, which i passed up my project and Mr Lee had a glance at it, and said that there were too little information. After lesson, we then showed him the project in precise, and he was like "Oh, wow! Nice pop-ups!" There were pop-ups, and he said that some marker drawings were and eye-sore. Hello Mr Lee, i feel insulted. Thereafter was recess, where momo and i ate fast so that i can teach him the windmill, i did not say i am into breakdancing, its just that momo wants to learn, and just nice i know the basics so there you have it. Thereafter was Science, taught my the best new-comer teacher, Ms Boey, boh-ee, i think. We had our surprise Chem test too, 15 mins to answer 60 QUESTIONS. It was kinda lucky for me to finish on time, and obviously that many people did not finish, so after collecting the papers, Ms Boey said "Since its CNY, and i want to be good, there will be a re-test this thursday." All of them were like "Yay"here "Yay" there, only a handful of us were moaning, because he completed it. Thereafter was Chinese and then Geog, which Mr Tan gave free chocolates to those who answer questions correctly, reason being that he wanted to slim down.... Lol? After school, we had to stay back for Ms Boey' enrichment class. She taught us about writing balanced chem eqn, then gave us a WS to do, in which we can leave if we were to finish it. I had a hard time completing it... Darn it.... Then i received an ultra goood news, after passing up, she would mark my test paper, on the spot, today. And guess what? I GOT 58/60!! I BOLD THE CHARACTERS!!! I WON MARC TANG BY 4 MARKS!!! wooooooooo. The feeling was sooo high. Haha, for the first time in my life i have scored high for chemistry and i have won Marc Tang for the first time in my entire life!!! He was there shouting "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, nooooooooo!!! This shall be the first and the last time you are going to win me!!" Luckily there' gonna be a re-test (i mentioned that earlier) so we both are aiming for full 60 marks!! Good luck for me and him. That should be all for this post. I realised its kinda long... Well have fun in school! Cheers~

I Posted
9:32 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop