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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Back to school!

I was supposed to post yesterday, but was to tired, and nothing great has happened today, so i shall just post what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, i woke up at 7 am in the morning to prepare for my golf game with Haziq and Adrian, at NSRCC. Though i arrived earlier, about 10 mins before our meeting time, Haziq was already there when i arrived. Wonder what time he woke up... We then just waited for Adrian, doing stuff like buying the ticket, getting the trolley, etc, before he came at 8.15 am. Thereafter, we got ready and by 8.30, we were all ready to set off. Upon arriving the executive 9 hole par course, there were so many people there already... CNY, most probably thats the reason. Its like 9 flights (groups) there... While waiting, a lady joined our flight (i duno why), saying that her's was a single flight, and obviously we were blur enough to just nod our heads... Though she was obviously older, we still trashed (haha...oops) her anyways. And guess what? I GOT 2 PARS CONSECUTIVELY!! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE! Btw, Adrian and I have not played golf since like 3 months ago... The final result turned out that, me and Adrian were first, tie, then Haziq, and finally that lady. We then bathed there, and ate at the cafeteria, but Adrian went home instead, so only me and Haziq. He actually ordered an ice kachang with ice-cream. That explains his size(hehe). Thereafter, i went home, in preparation for CY and Marc Tang's coming to my house to play!! CY arrived first, then Marc Tang who came super late. We then spammed the Wii machine for straight 3 hours, playing games like Raving Rabbids, Ghost Squad, Mario Kart, so on.... at about 6.30, they left. And the fun time ended then too. Well, thats probably all for yesterday's.
Today, i just gotta say that i did my Chem presentation, and i was so nervous, unknowingly, that i duno why, keep looking at the screen when i already memorised my speech, darn it all.
Thats all. Btw, go youtube search VSCO CNY, got some vids of VSCO's CNY performance, quality of vid ain't that good, just dun mind.

I Posted
8:55 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Basketball with seniors!

Today, i woke up at 8am to get ready for a game of basketball with my fellow Strings section seniors, which was held at the basketball court behind tao nan primary. I arrived at NLB marine parade first at 8.30, to meet up with Chien Yun, then we walked together to the place. We saw that some people had already arrived there, and started to play. As there were 2 balls, the game was spared out equally. Had a lot of fun, play matches and other stuff, had some videos and pics, which CY was supposed to send me by email, so when he does will i post them up! Basically, Bryan was there, Lin Chun was there, Yong Siang was there, Stanson was there, Melvin was there, Khee Ming was there, Chien Yun was there and finally i was there. Thereafter, we took a ride by bus to PP for lunch. We also saw a anime cosplay guy, dressed up as Naruto! And the funny thing was that he was sitting at the bus-stop, so we keep joking that, "Naruto is taking a bus to go save Sasuke from turning eviiiil" This is the modern life of naruto... Lol. We then ate at KFC, then went to walk around, browsing through sports shops (only). Then we separated and I went to CY house to bathe, went to KOI  before that too and as he was the VIP of the shop, the boss gave him a Limited Edition KOI flask, which allows water to somehow leak out by just tilting it a little... Is the called cheap-skate or "its the thought that matters"? Went to his house thereafter, which was at Seaview, super close to PP, so we just walked there. After everything, arriving to his house, bathing, we went to play some com games, and i also tried out his guitar. Actually we had another small game of basketball at this house before going up... I also found out that he was supposedly to take grade 2 exam. After some fun, i left for home at about 4. Then at night i had my so called reunion dinner with a very big spread of food, eg. fried prawns, curry, steam fish, etc. I guess this day had been a great one! And plus i will be playing golf with Adrian, Haziq and my dad and me on Wed! And after that, CY and Marc Tang will be coming to my house to play! I am so looking forward to that day. Thats all for this post, vids nxt time!

I Posted
7:54 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009
-n0 title-

Today has been a great day, starting with science, which i was totally prepared, only that i didnt get the chance to present due to time restraint, sianx... Never mind about that, after that it was PE lesson which we play hockey matches against groups. And surprisingly, my group totally owned everyone today!! With me scoring most points (hehe). Had such a great time play hockey for the first time. Then, it was recess and then Lit, which Mr Tan went through Macbeth, as usual. And lastly it was boring Rama class... After, school went for CO prac, or should say rehearsal for CNY performance, had a tiring day...
This post is kinda short i know...

I Posted
10:28 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Classroom is decorated

Hi everyone, and my classroom is FINALLY decorated, here are the pics:
Thats the front door

Thats the interior back door

And thats the class front notice board
All done by one and only me!! Whooo! We shall win the classroom decoration competition!! Wahaha!! Thats all for this post, im so looking forward to CNY and tomorrow is my science project presentation!!! Gotta keep eye contact...

I Posted
8:20 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Science project is hard!

Hi everyone, didnt post for a while i know. Well, yesterday, we had dazu, and it was going good so far, until the last part of the whole prac when the seniors gave us a new post, which i totally got owned. 3 pages, and many lines on each page. It was like, whoa *and stares on to the scores blankly*. Obviously i couldnt play when the conductor told us to try, and surprisingly he gave us quite a fast speed, probably the seniors have played them before? Anyway, Marc Tang came to my house after prac to do the science project together, though we were not in the same group but doing the same question. We started off seriously, doing our homework quitely and discussing the project but after some time we started to goof around, having fun. Haha, anyways i completed the project already, and dun worry seniors, i included your names under the "Sources of information" in the credits part, basically only Bryan and Eusebio, haha. After finishing the project, we had fun play DM (lol!), and smacking each other with balloon weapons (i have them at home, only 3), at the same time trying not to aim for his (precious) head. Finally we settled ourselves down for some Wii gaming, which we played Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, Ghost Squad and his favourite Crash Bandicoot Clash of the Titans. Hope he had fun before leaving... Well thats all for this post, getting ready to present my Science project tomorrow. Bye~

I Posted
3:25 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Final copy paste post

My final copy and paste from my English blog project...

Today was great, starting with Mr Low's anticipated speech during the morning assembly. It was because of the previous batch of Secondary 4s that helped us make Mr Low say those two words, "Full day!". We all cheered in excitement, but the day off was placed on Wednesday after the Chinese New Year Holidays, that means we have no school for 5 days in a row! Also, school would end at 1.50 pm today, and on next Monday, we had to come to school only at 9.30 am! I finally can sleep a few more hours before going to school. After assembly, we then proceeded on to our usual lessons, first starting with Mother Tongue. Our Chinese Teacher went through a new chapter quite quickly to even manage to teach the whole chapter. Thereafter, it was D&T lesson, which was held in class. The teachers gave us a briefing on the diorama project and started to give us worksheets and homework. We even had to do a lot of researching. Thankfully, I managed to complete a part of it at home. After that, it was recess. Our recess was much later, with the Secondary 3s and 4s, so the food stalls queues were also quite long. Then, we went on to our PE Theory class, which the teacher used the period to choose the house representatives. The final lesson was then Maths. The teacher taught us some new knowledge, which we had to listen inventively because we had to imply the methods he taught us into our TfU project, which was quite hard to do. After school, my Maths TfU group stayed back to discuss about the project. We had a hard time trying to find out the diameter of the school crest, the big one. We then found out a way, by logic though, but in the end, we still had no lead. At home, I discovered a website which gave a template to make your own paper trainers! After much struggle, I managed to complete one shoe, quite ugly too, because I used to much of sticky tape.

Well, thats all for this post, I am looking forward to the 5 day break!

Actually thats not all... I got a funny clip to share with u guys... I took it in the auditorium with no one inside, because my Maths TfU group was doing a project there. Its a dancing scene, leaded my Ivan Ting, and sub dancers are Marc Tang, Muhaimin and Chanuja, i was the one taking the vid. Enjoy, dun laugh so hard... The songs is from AuditionSEA btw... And its random!

I Posted
8:52 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009
A fine day it was

Once again, lazy to type all over again..

Today had been a fine day, starting off with assembly. Many people were called out for interview by MOE, but it was just the briefing today. It was more than half of the Secondary 2 cohort being asked out. Thereafter, the Secondary 1 and 2s were given a briefing on the same old English Reading Program, which the Secondary 1s got a new colour of their book, purple! After the the briefing, the Secondary 1s were then asked to stay back in the hall again for Mr Chia's disciplinary talk, and that sounded quite funny. We then went back to class to carry on with our Character Education period, which the topic was making responsible decisions. The teacher gave us a situation in which we had to think which decision was the best. After that, it was Maths which only lasted for 30 minutes. The teacher rushed through the TfU project briefing since there was lack of time and we managed to get a picture of the whole project. Then, it was recess, and after that was Chemistry lesson, which we thought we were going to have a test first then a lab lesson so we stayed in class, but after waiting for a moment, we decided to go to the Chemistry lab since the teacher did not come down. In the end, we got scolded for being late. We then had lab lessons first instead of the test. The teacher showed us a series of experiments which in turn, we had to take down notes for our Chemistry TfU project. It was a interesting period. Thereafter the test was given and only 15 mins allocated. I managed to complete the test, which was considerably easy. Finally the last period was Geography, which the principal made a last minute annoucement about letting all of us go at 1.40 pm. Obviously all of us cheered! After school, I went for my usual Chinese Orchestra practice and finally went home at 6.15pm. That concludes my day!

Thats it, bye!

I Posted
8:10 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Another fun day

As usual, i'm lazy to write again, so here's another post from the project blog

"Today was another fun day. The morning started off with having my usual Chinese tuition from 11 .30 am to 1 pm. Thereafter, I little revision on the Literature book "Macbeth" by reading the first act from scene 1 to 7. Then, my parents went out for more of Chinese New Year shopping, while I stayed at home, playing my PSP and Wii. At 5pm, my parents came home, all hands filled with bags of things! I ran to them excitedly and had a glance at what they have bought. They had also bought a birthday cake for my brother as his birthday was tomorrow but since tomorrow was a Monday, we decided to celebrate it today. The cake had a very unique figure, it looked like a hamburger! Here's a picture of it:

It doesn't look like a cake at all! They also bought a plant with mini Mandarin oranges sprouting from it.
Soon, we all got ready to go out again for my brother's birthday dinner, which we ate at a small chinese restaurant. The food there was not only delicious, but also cheap. We ordered lots of food and also frog legs at my brother's request. After dinner, we were all stuffed. We then went to Kovan to have another view at the plants display. There were many interesting plants, and there were also lots of pitcher plants! After walking around and viewing all the stalls, we bought a small bamboo plant. Thereafter, it was getting late and we decided to go home to cut the cake. We sang a birthday song, and I congratulated him in reaching 18 years of age. Then, all of us had a piece of the cake and got ready to sleep. I can't believe that time is passing so fast, m brother is going to NS at year end and I'm going to miss him!"

Thats all bye~

I Posted
10:25 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Had a great day today!

Hi everyone, since i'm lazy to re-type everything, i just copied the post fom my EL project blog, which required me to write 5 random post and print out the best one. You will notice some parts with"exceptionally" good english so dont mind, it was required to be wrote in perfect english...

"I had a great day today! Starting off with a nice morning with all my favourite cartoons and "okto" and channel 8. Soon after, i went off with my parents to Toa Payoh to look for some Chinese New Year plants. I scan through the array of different species of plants which mesmerized me for a second. The view was beautiful and the scene was filled with different colours of the flowers! I even spotted small pots of venus fly traps there too! They were very amazing, it was my first time ever seeing them with my eyes! Though we spent quite some time there, we did not manage to see any plant which caught our eye, so we left the place empty handed. Thereafter, we left for my Er Hu tuition at my tutors house, which was located at Geylang, the not "dirty" side. Surprisingly, I played very this lesson, and my teacher taught me a new song to practice as a reward. The lesson lasted for 45 minutes, thereafter, my parents brought me to Ang Mo Kio Hub to fetch my brother from his school activity and then later, shop around for Chinese New Year stuffs. We saw lots of Chinese New Year goodies which looked really delicious! After having a scan at the whole shopping mall, we bought altogether 4 bottles of fruit juice and 1 tin can of mini love letters (they are my favourite!) I also bought a white shirt which looked nice and also a shoe from 101 station. Here's a picture of the shoe:

Thereafter, as it was already quite late at night, we decided to go back home and thus ends the fun day! I might play golf in the morning tomorrow too, so I got to sleep early. Good night everyone!"

Thats it, bye!

I Posted
11:05 PM

Friday, January 09, 2009
A homeworkless day!

Woo yes! No homework for today! Anyways, EL lessons have been spent in the comp lab since Mrs Rama wants us to do the 5 entry blog thing (i actually find it quite meaningless). Taking a lot of editing the whole blog. I'm currently quite busy and bored so dun mind this post is going to be short. Thats it, bye!

The class deco 25% done.

I Posted
9:16 PM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Class Deco

Hi all, stayed back in class after school with  Ivan, Momo and Marc Tang to do up the class deco, in which we managed to complete at least 20% of the whole thing. Here are some pics of the deco which are done by me.


This was done basically by drawing the outline of the whole thing with a pencil first then slowly sticking up colour tape to fill the whole thing. Took quite some time to do this, and thanks to Marc's help of cutting the tapes for me, we got the job done faster.


This was supposedly the class motto, only that it was done halfway because tapes went out of stock. As you can see there is an obvious error, the "e" of the "ignite" is suddenly in blue, because i last minute out of yellow tape stock. Most likely gonna complete the motto by tomorrow, hope so.

Momo and Ivan did a giant Ipod which wrote all of everyone's name. Maybe take pic tomorrow.
I also forgot to put up our class "logo" which i created yesterday, probably too rush till i forgotten about it.


Ya, i find it nice. After the deco anyway, i went to attend the CO orientation for a short while just to have a look at it. Wow, so man sec 1s, haha, so fun to see a mirror of my past self. Was supposedly to play a song for an intro to the instrument, but last min had to leave, hahas, sorry.

Thats all for this post, bye~

The class blog is still being updated by the one and only me~

I Posted
7:49 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009
-no title-

Hi, well today in school, quite fun. D and T lesson project, we are going to do a Diorama on MacBeth, kinda of like Lit and D&T gang up... We also finally finalized our class tee too! And the design is done by... Me! Actually my design got selected because i was the only one who submitted. Haha, so anyway, i'm gonna wear the class tee happily. Nothing much left, except that i paid a visit to the CO orientation. Hahas. Might not be going to the orientation tomorrow too as i promised a friend to help him out in the class deco... So dun mind... That should be all for this post. Bye!

I Posted
10:00 PM

Monday, January 05, 2009
Happy 2nd day of school!

Hi all, have a great day on your 2nd day of school! Nothing much happened in school today, only that the class comm has finally been selected, namely:-

Monitor 1 : Adrian
Monitor 2: Hafiz
Treasurer: Hariz
Secretary: Muhaimin
Environmentalist: Suresh
Welfare: Daryl Nigel

Yep thats it, i think, cant remember some maybe, do tell me if i missed out some. Had CO prac after school too! I though it was the orientation for sec1s, as looking from the calendar on the VS journal, tot i can see what i was last year (hehe). But, nvm, prac goes on as usual, with a plaster on my left hand ring finger, due to my skin being torn, and bled, im getting the dry skin thing recently. With that plaster on, i cant "rou" the string with my third finger that well, hope it heals soon... 
Anyways, about the class blog, its like omg. The creator of the blog totally didnt even bother to update it during the holidays and it was like me who updated it, wtf?? Even now, i am still the one who is updating it. I hope the comms will update the blog too once they get the username and password. 
Found out from senior that the sec 1 orientation is going on tomorrow, wed and thurs. I am considering, cause it sounds fun... haha... Getting to teach my 1 batch of juniors, wahaha. Trying to get some CO sec 2s in too, so those fom my class, whoever wan come tell me, or maybe i will drag u in! Rarr!~
Thats all for this post, bye~

By the way i know that the song part of the blog is screwed up...

I Posted
9:15 PM

Friday, January 02, 2009
A new beginning

A new year, a new beginning, started school finally again today. Caught up with friends again, and soon, all back together! So weird seeing sec2 seniors in long pants haha. Totally no homework today, only some intro, admin thing and etc etc. Its been great day and i totally love going back to school, CO prac on monday! Went for ZLS tuition just now, my darn right hand is still stiff, got to lubricate it?? That should be all for this post! Hope school gets better and better and next yr its MY turn to wear long pants!~

I Posted
10:24 PM

Thursday, January 01, 2009
CO camp

Hi, sry for late post, com got virus and hanged last nite. Before i start this post bout camp, i wish to greet everyone a very happy new year! Wish all of you great of health and prosperity! ( With Carlsberg... Heheh.) Follow your resolutions and all the best in everything. My new year resolution is to strive for the best in sec 2, hope that my studies will improve, able to concentrate better in class rather than tok sometimes and hope that i can excel in CO and last but not least, hope that VSCO will strive for the best and achieve its life's aim of attaining gold with honors in 09 SYF! Alright let the post begin, no pics though. Dun mind if i forgot what happen cause i have this short term memory problem.

Day 1
Arrived in school at 8am with 2 intruments and a big camp bag, having a lot of trouble carrying so many stuff up. Thereafter, after waitin for a while, briefing started and groups split up. My group consisted of Jun Yin as the leader, Jun An, Angus, Nicholas and Deng Chiew, hope i didnt miss out anyone, and the facils Eusebio and Jordan. Then activities started, first discussing of the talent time with the theme, Song of Cicada and the solar system. Thereafter went for sectionals, practiced hard and then we had an amazing race at Parkway for the first time. Had quite some fun there, at the same time also being chased out of borders while doing the activity (oops). Apologies to borders ... ><>

Day 2 
Woke up at 6.30 and got ready for PT, known as Physical Training or Physical torture.. hehe.. Had breakfast and then went to prac Da Zu, getting ready for orientation performance, in which i "slacked" as in the feng nian ji song i totally dun know how to play, but managed to play brazil brazil on er hu. Dazu went on until 4pm and then we had WATER BOMB FIGHT!! Heheh, i kept bombing either Eusebio and Bryan, in which Eusebio was shouting about pumping me during prac, but i still spam throw him, its time to have fun hitting the chairman *oops*. There after, bathed and got ready for nite walk. Watched Mr bean for a while (lolssss) and then the real movie came, Ju-on 2 the grudge. It was omg scary and my face went down when the scary part came. Thereafter ghost stories, precautions and nite walk started at around 2am. This nite walk was surprisingly not that scary as compared to the previous one, and that is good! Keep it up seniors! Heheh... The aim was to go to stations and sign on the mahjong paper. Foiled lots of seniors scary plans, eg opening the door and not entering first and the seniors either knock things down before i enter, so haha. One instance when the mahjong paper was in front of a cubicle, so i guessed that there was a senior behind the cubicle so i kick the paper a little and out comes the senior! Haha, mission failed! WAHAHAHAHA. Slept at around 3am, when i was surprisingly not sleepy for a while.

Day 3
Nothing much, simple mass games, prize-giving in which my team got 6th, last, lol and i surprisingly got one of the CO awards of the title "Best Junior". Heres thanks to those who voted and me and i will continue to work to your contented level or maybe higher! ^^. Got a small furry rabbit handphone keychain as the prize from minitoons. Debriefing went on and camp ended at 11.30am. Thats it!

So thats the 3 day camp post. Happy new year again! Have a great year ahead, less troubles more or success! Bye~

I going to be 14 soon, wahahahahahah

I Posted
7:36 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop