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Sunday, December 28, 2008
I'm going to camp...

Hi, as the title says, i'm going to camp, CO camp, for 3 days 2 nights, so u can still sms me, cause phone is always with me, i think... The camp should be okay, except for the talent time and the freaking night walk, hope i can survive it. Ah darn it.... Anyways, bought a new Adidas bagfor the camp, kinda large but its nice~


And somehow i kinda got the feeling of designing my own stuff these days, like shoes but not shirts. Since i got some hands on experience like the J8 competition which some of you (probably everybody) dun know. Well, i just got participation prize for it which still consisted of a plague. Maybe go but cheap white shoes and design myself, eheh. I like this Adicolour design though, its nice! Well most adicolour shoes are nice!

Kinda prefer adi and converse. 

By the ways, today my dad brought me to Farmway Fishing pond, and i had my first hands on experience on fishing!!!! We bought 1 hour worth of time with 100g of live prawns and had to be used as bait, and of course my dad was the one who deshelled the prawns, i wouldnt dare to... The first hour, i didnt catch anything only had a few bites, and my dad and i made a friend there too, he was an uncle btw, who was fishing with his kids and the children fish pond. He see our rod always kena tug until he say he cannot tahan liao, then he go but 1 hour worth. Haha... I got 7 tugs from fishes in total, one situation in that it kept tugging it and i was so happy i pull the rod up and found out that the bait was gone... freak the fish... After the hour session, my dad bought another hour since he saw me so happy, then the boss of the whole place helped me to install a buoy and taught me how to fish out the fish and i get a tug, something about choking the fish first. By the way, i was fishing at the Pro fishing pond, not that i am a pro, but that the rod does not have a reeler, and u had to follow the fish wherever it swim until it tires down then u slowly fish it up. Once i put my bait in the water, after a few secs, i got a tug and successfully the fish caught on my hook. It was like OMG!! I GOT A FISH HOOKED!! OH FREAK IT!!! I began to run wildly, following the darn fish who kept on swimming like a pro swimmer, ran around until my feet got scraped on to the wall and got a small cut. Soon at last with my dad's help i GOT THE FREAKING FISH UP!!!! WOOTS~~ MY FIRST BLOODY HELL FISH! OH YEAH~ We then put the fish into a net first then put the net into the water so that it still lives and if we catch more fish, we can subsequently put the fishes into the net, but unfortunately, we only caught that one, the uncle beside us caught 2 and actually got 2 tugs from a big fish which always escaped. Here's a successful pic of the fish, which was a golden pomfret, medium sized.

So i guess i have a new hobby, fishing. Though it takes time and patience, it may be worth it in the end. Those who wan come fishing, just call me number, might be happy to take u there!! Eh haha.

So thats all for this post, and i will again, be away until 31st Dec 12pm. Thats all for this post, and i updated the left column "Likes". 

I Posted
10:01 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Im back again

Hi, i just came back from malaysia, another 5 day trip. Nothing much, nothing interesting, went to Times Square, Genting and Palace of Royal Horse. Watched "Yes Man" to for only 3 S'pore dollars.... The movie is just about a man, Carl, acted by Jim, who is pessimistic to life, says no to everything when his friend invites him to a seminar on saying yes to everything. He thus gets hooked up on the new word and everything in his life changes for the better, until when things get out of hand. Not much to write about so I'll keep this post short. Merry Christmas to everyone, have a happy new year and i dun have any presents for u all. Maybe watching "Bedtime Stories" tonight. So thats all for this post. Bye~

                                                    l l
Merry Christmas~

I Posted
4:01 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I'm back!

Hi, i'm back from Taiwan le, so you can start smsing me again. Had nice week there, went to many different places of interest and experience the temperature different from singapore, especially when on the mountains. Lets start the post, day by day. Btw, some photos i will post on another post, as some were taken using digital cam, not my phone and i dun have the digital cam with me currently so u get the pic....

Day 1
Woke up at 5.30 am in S'pore, not Taiwan, got ready and went to T3 to check-in. Businesss class leh..., just joking, it was free, my dad used his kris flyer points or something. We then ate at the lounge for a while then boarded the plane at 8.05am. Realised that the business class we were seating was the old type one... Nvm. It was a 4hrs flight with a 1 hr delay so we arrived at Taiwan at about 1pm. There isnt any time difference between the 2 countries. Took a taxi to TaiBei's Leo Foo hotel (六福). Had a rest at the hotel for a while. Took some pics, showing the room view and how uniquely big the room key is... and heavy too.
Turn your head....
So thereafter, we went to TaiBei 101, its the tallest building in the world (supposedly). Not much shops there, but we visited the building's observatory at its 89th floor. Of course, we had to buy entrance ticket. Amazing view 360 degrees, sadly i forgot to bring my fone so not pics.
Thereafter, i went to Shi Lin night market (士林夜市). Quite of a rowdy place, many different shops. Bought some stuff, like shirts and blah blah. Didnt really explored the place fully as we were all tired. Went back to hotel at 8pm. Thats it for the first day.

Day 2
Early in the morning, went to eat breakfast at the hotel's cafe, then took a taxi to Yang Ming Shan (阳明山), which cost us a freaking 220 NT, S'pore 11 dollars. Super nice view and the perfect temperature of 15 degrees. And the whole place is covered in a thick freaking fog so cant really find our way around that good.
Just how thick that fog is.... Just wandered around aimlessly, and finally found the tourist centre. Asked around for directions and soon we found the mountain's Xiao You Keng. (Not so sure of the chinese word, i only know 小油...) The whole stink of sulphur and it smelt like century egg... There were small holes on the ground and on the mountain walls which were emitting lots of smoke, probably contributing to the fog. Just some pics...
The above pic was supposedly a small hot spring, very small, so i doubt u all can see it clearly.
Thats all the pics for the smoke holes. Thereafter wandered around again and found a bamboo path which lead us to a viewing area.
Quite a nice view. Thereafter, took a bus down the mountain and the MRT to Dan Shui (淡水). Played at lots of game stalls which include dart throwing at balloons and shooting bullets at balloons using guns. (Technically, real ones...) Won some balloon weapons like spike mace and a giant hand and a spike ball. Spent a lot of time there, buying stuff. I also saw a shop with lots of those "Insert coin and out comes a capsule and toy inside" machines. Tried my luck there and in total i got 2 Doraemon Keychains, 1 mini game and 1 sword, somehow a big one. It was 5 pm when we left and the sky was somehow dark already, it was like... wtf?. Took MRT to Xi Men Ding (西门丁). Nothing to shop there, as the things were freakin expensive. For example, a freakin shirt cost 1400 NT, S'pore 70 dollars. Ate dinner at a road side "restaurant" (its not really a restaurant...) and i had the most disgusing experience there, i found a fly in my bubble tea, and plus i sipped it up through e straw and plus, i spat it out and plus i threw my bubble tea away. You will never want to know how it feels like... (Felt like grass in your mouth....) Btw, people seriosly know how to advertise...
It was on the bubble tea cap.
Thus ends the day.

Day 3
Spent the whole at Leo Foo Village Theme Park (六福村) Took up a lot of frightening rides and felt dozzy one after another. Temperature dropped as the day grew darker. Took pics only on the animal tram ride.
Its only a few pics, the rest of them are in the digital cam. Nothing much to write about this day as the whole day was spent right here. So i went back at 7pm, 2 hours bus ride and thus ends this day...

Day 4
Today, my dad's Taiwan colleagues brought us around out of TaiBei. We went to JiuFen (九份) around the mountainous areas and the temperauture was FREEZING COLD!!!!.  Some more got the stupid wind blowing so strong that i fell on one situation. A baby can fly like the wind there! Photos in the digital cam so.... The view was great and spent some time exploring around. Thereafter, we braved the wind and as we drove to a gold mine museum. Got lost while finding the place, very narrow roads but still found the place there. Btw, i saw some large "houses" each covering stone tablets and found out that they were actually gravestones... Omg...... Found the museum after lots of turning and driving. Explored the place and gained new insights. Thereafter, we went to Kee Lung (基隆) and had lunch there. Found S'pore's Koi Shop in the name of 50 lan. The lan in chinese is fan ti. Bought milk tea. Thereafter, drove of to Dharma Drum Mountain, Buddhist Training Area or something like that. Saw very strong waves while on the journey, some even swept up onto the road. Hehe 小海啸... Had a view around the Buddhist Training area and gain new insights in a religious way. Thereafter, thus ends the day. Overall it was a freaking freezing cold day.

Day 5
Not much to talk about this day as we have already went to a lot of places so we went to random places and revisited Shi Lin Night Market at night. Nothing to talk so ya, that day was kinda boring

Day 6
I am back!

So thus ends my journey. Photos most probably will be posted tomorrow or so. Thats all for this LOOOONG post. Bye

I Posted
1:22 PM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Long Post

Quite some time again havent post, so just a few long updates, i went to the zoo on Monday with a friend, due to the reason that it was long time since i went there. Had a fun time there, and got lost halfway but managed to find our way back. (Both our geog arent so good, so the map to us is like a paper with lines and colours and pics...) Took some pics so here they are :

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Thats about all the pics. So, i am leaving for taiwan tomorrow, handphone will be off so i will not reply to any sms u sent. Thats all bb.

I Posted
11:36 AM

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Nothing much

Nothing much to write about, except that these few days bought some stuff, cute, cool...


Got this mouse 4 USB port for free while renewing a magazine, which you can see on top of the mouse writes "Nurture Craft"

Got this super big "Bakugan" because it was unique, rather than the usual tiny magnetic balls.

Got this set of cute bunnies for nothing.

Going to Taiwan next week, so i should be able to post sumthing long.
Btw, to those CO seniors, sec 3, I will not be attending CO prac, on 11 dec to 16 dec, and 20 dec to 26 dec. So dun say i pon prac... Bye

I Posted
1:14 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop