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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Class Outing

Yesterday's class outing was fun! I arrived at 12.20 outside school gate and saw sec 3s entering school, probably O levels. Went to East Coast together with Chien Yun after meeting up, then meet up with Miss Choo after walking randomly around for awhile. We went for cycling first, booked 2 hours and got 1 hour free~ Cycled here and there then made a u-turn because we went to far ahead of the teacher. Then rest for awhile and i had that stupid faint spell again, when Chien Yun forced me to drink a lot of water and i got better again. Then cycled for awhile again and suddenly rained heavily, wow the sky is random! Got drenched totally and we took refuge at the Burger King for about 30 mins, then Miss Choo's group came in. Then slowly, many ppl came in and soon we were all together as a class, with Ivan bringing in his large power risers. Soon, we cycled back to the rental place and had to WALK to Marine Bowl. Quite a tiring walk, some more my leg muscle had started to ache. When we reached there, Miss Choo already booked 5 lanes, lol. Intra class bowling game started and Momo and I were the heroes of the group, actually momo was better... Chien Yun did his infamous falling down skill while ivan, err did his g@y pose. Hehe, no offense... Suddenly saw Mr Lee, the maths teacher there too! In the end , my group came in 2nd! With Adrian's group owning on 1st place... Adrian totally owned everyone... Ivan then showed the magic trick "Hitman" i taught him to Miss Choo and Mr Lee, with a success, good disciple... Heheh
Thats almost everything about the class outing. With a bad news after coming home, i think i lost my chem SA2 paper.... Hahas.... Thats all for this post, bb

I Posted
4:57 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008
Back from Malaysia trip

Did not post for 3 days or so because  was overseas in Malaysia. Stayed in the Holiday Inn hotel, with a nice sea view from the window. What we mostly did in that country was, shop, eat, shop, eat, rest, shop, play, sleep. Quite boring, because truthfully, i dislike shopping for long hours, not hate, just dislike. Bought a 500 piece doraemon puzzle to kill time at home. Will take a pic of the finished puzzle and post it. Just some photos:

Some kind of rice painting in a shopping mall, celebrating Deepavali

The sea view from the window, currently at high tide, nicer at low tide though.

Anyways, finally got my FF VII Crisis Core PSP game on my PSP! Its super fun with cool graphics, 5 stars! Fought with creatures like Ifrit and Bahumut, so fun~ Tomorrows the class outing! Hope its gonna be a CLEAR and SUNNY and LUCKY day~ Hope i aint gonna screw up during bowling session. Thats all for this post bye~~~

I Posted
4:12 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008
Class blog FINALLY created

Yep, our class has been finally created and the webmaster is me and Ivan! Now I have 2 blogs to update most of the time.... But its fun! Received my report book yesterday to see that my results arent that bad afterall, with 2 A1s and 2 A2s. School has just officially ended today, yesterday aso got CO, and was quite an interesting day...
Got informed that have to be in CO room by 1.30pm, so after eating my lunch, when school had ended at 10.45, i just went up to CO room and "emo" there, by doing my hw. Then, a few ppl came including the chairman and he said that the VP said due to the O Levels, no on is to be in until 3.30pm! Omg, so in the end, we had no choice but to leave school and go to parkway as a CCA group, sad for some as they just went to Parkway, and came back and have to go there again. We went there to have lunch, then walked around aimlessly, waiting for the slow paced time to pass by, then after being fed up of waiting, the chairman decided to sneak into the CO room... woo Mission Impossible 4. In the end we did it successfully actually, with my softly warned by the other seniors who stayed inside with the lights off and doors locked, they said "Wa! You all very pro. If Mr Chia was to see you guys, you all would have been dead. Chairman so pro.!" Stayed in CO room with NOTHING to do, including practicising, because we had to keep our voices very down, if not we would be heard. After a few moments, few started to sneak in, 1, 2, 3 and the fourth wave, was the whole CO gang, we were like omg... You guys are not supposed to be here*. But in the end we still let them have a refuge inside. Once 3.30 came, Lights on! And we waited for practice to start, in which in ended very late around 6.30 when it was supposed to be at 6. Had a fun day!
Thats all for this post, the link to my class blog has been updated but you can view it here http://vs2c2009.blogspot.com . Thats all bye!

I Posted
4:17 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
EOY results

Great, totally bad news for the whole class yesterday, totally expected something different. Our EOY results were all opposite from what we wanted! A lot of paper flunked sia! Including me also... Paper results were quite bad, but overall actually still okay, except that toal MSG INCREASED by 0.1, from 3.1 to 3.2. Science I seriously died, Physics, Bio and Chem all of them, bye bye. We must learn this exams lesson and improve for the better, for next year that is. Chinese out of 31 pupils, 25 of them got a letter of opting out of HCL, including me again. Dun feel like posting my marks or grades. Heheh, when my results better then I post, which is next year again. That should be all for this post, bye~

I Posted
7:56 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Post for past few days...

This post shall be the post for last few days, totally forgotten to blog, played too much...

Last Wednesday
I went to Chien Yun's house to play basketball, which was at The Sea View, at 9am, i know its crazy, early in the morning play bball. Used his new black basketball to play for about an hour plus, then we went up to his house on the 16 floor to play computer games. Bathed at his house first before playing, cause very sweaty. His house was very big and nice, but quite "dangerous". A lot of full glass panels in his house so ppl can just peak in from the opposite block. Even the toilet has glass panels too! Thereafter, had tons of fun playing his new game called SPORE! One of the best games I have played, where you start of as  cell and then evolve to a creature which u can create yourself. After playing, we went to BK @ Parkway for lunch, then went to the KOI bubble shop to buy milk tea with NO melamine, heheh. Thats when we ended the fun outing, with him buying a new com game, Devil May Cry 4 and running back home, excited to play...

Last Thursday
Inter-class soccer match in school in which i took part in! Got owned by every single class, 1 nil. So sad. All 5 matches lost. Teammates were damn pissed. Was very tired after that, still got CCA... So tired till i almost dozed off while practicing with teacher leading us *oops* Luckily no one saw me doing that.

Yesterday and today
Went to stay in Conrad hotel in S'pore due to a free stay which was goin to expire. Did nothing much that 2 days. Just a spam shop shop shop, not me but my parents and brother. Quite boringz. Nothing much to write. Took a few pics :

Teddy bear which was complimentary

A super high bed which injury might be serious if u were to fall
First time i see a hotel which provides LCD 36"TV
Ate pepper lunch for lunch, heheh, lunch for lunch

I guess this shall be it for todays post, bye~

I Posted
4:16 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Its after the exams!

Finally exams are over, with the last English paper being very easy~. We were rewarded with 2 days of no school, for those who are not in AEP only, today is the AEP/Bahasa Indonesia exam. Those who arent involved no school, and tomorrow is marking day so also no school! Woots! Didnt post these few days because i was enjoying my holidays~. Went to shop yesterday, a lotof things, not me but my mum and dad. Went to OG to shop and spent a lot of money, but got FREE pearls of oyster too, for every $20 dollars spent i think, they just cut the oyster in front of u and clean it and gif u. Got 3 of them, but too small to take photo, so. Ya. Starting to play maple again, since nothing to do, this is one of the reasons why i hate holidays after exam, too bored... Tomorrow going to Chien Yun's house play basketball! So excited. He's gonna lend me his SPORE game too~ Hope that my exam results will be good, and CO prac is starting again! Have to change my Gao Hu string cause i broke it ><. From yesterday, i have been playing whole day, nothing to do, so fun! This Thursday there will be an inter-class soccer match for sec1 post exam activity, and on Friday is actually a dancing session...  very lol... Soccer match i nvr even practice! Hope my friends can win without my help! AHH... Ok, this post ends here, i going to play again, maybe going out wif friends again soon. Most likely i will not post everyday, but i will try, if i seriously bored of playing!

I Posted
3:40 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008
The Nitemare!

The nightmare is finally over!~ Not really, still have next week to come for the LAST EOY paper... English! I sure hope that i will able to do good for the last paper. Must endure! Anyways, lets talk about the past papers. Yesterday was Maths, quite a killer. For paper 1, the questions were moderately easy, except that the freaking calculations were so difficult. Especially the HCF and LCM part where i die(ded). Have to divide like siiao la. The first paper already took up half of my whole new correction tape refiller. Lols, i am a correction tape spammer if u dun know. Many people didnt manage to complete paper 1 but i did~ XD, was happy of course. Next was the paper 2, thinking that it would be easier with my weapon (calculator), i flipped open the booklet, with fright. The questions were difficult this time round. Left question 2 blank and managed to complete the other questions while leaving 5 mins left to check. After the exam, i went around asking everyone how the paper was, all same response to a reply of difficult. Asked my Einsteins (smart buddies), also left question 2 blank. Guess i am not the only one who suffered^^. Today was the chinese paper 2 and PE theory. Chinese was overall okay, not too difficult nor easy. The summary writing was easy, except that you are supposed to summarize the first AND last paragraph while one of my friend of summarize the first TO the last paragraph. Wish him good luck~. Then was the freakin funny PE Theory paper. The teachers must be having a fever of somewhat. They put the paper to a total MCQ paper with random MCQ answers. Example would be what is the best strategy for hurdles or something like that. The 3rd answer was Getsuga tenshu bankai, from bleach, total rubbish, and the fourth answer was No Shadow Kicking Leg, in chinese is “无影脚”. Laughed throughout the whole paper. With somemore random questions. 2 more examples. What are the main relay events for track and field. Suddenly come out 4x100km, 4x400km, 4x800km. Asking the runners to go die. What the the steps to triple jump, Trip, stumble and fall! Hehes. so funny. Weird teachers, totally took off our stress. Tks! One more question, forgot what it was with one of the MCQ answers to be Pokemon emerald red and blue. Random sia! Anyways, completed the paper in 15 mins. Then it was time to go home. Everyone was delighted for the exam to "finish". Was taking my bag from outside the classroom when i turned my head to fund a chair flown out of the classroom. hehes. Didnt do any revision today, relax! Went to the new Central place, which i found out it was a Food palace, Japanese food palace, ahh forget it just say it is a J Pop palace. Ordered the tempura bento set, taking random pic
hehes, thats all for this post. Had serious fun today~

I Posted
9:56 PM

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I hate Chemistry!!

As the title says, i really meant that... Lets pick up the news first before coming to chem. Exams have ALREADY started, didnt post because i was busy studying until today when i can relax for a while. Could leave school immediately after it ended! Exam started on Monday with the Chinese paper 1 and Literature paper. Difficulty level was moderate. Tuesday was English paper 1 and History paper. Difficulty level was moderate too, with composition exceeding 300+ words, OWNAGE! And History was lucky, i knew how to do all questions. Today is Wednesday with only Science, 3 topics, Biology, Physics and ER HEM... Chemistry. 2 hr 15 mins for 3 papers. Bio and Physics were not so bad, still able to do, but Chemistry was total flop. Whole class die(ded) anyway so i aint so worried. It was like damn tough and after the whole exam everyone got pissed off and say what wan to kill Mdm Farrah, i was angry too, but didnt wan to kill (Heheh). So much rubbish difficult questions, what chemical formation shiit (oops). Seriously and I forgot wat was the equation for ammonia. The question was to give the formation for ammonia sulphate. Left blank.. Heheh. I am not gonna take chem in sec 3, nvr!! Unless it changes my opinion on it during sec 2, which i doubt about it. Tomorrow's Maths paper, hope i can deal with the freakin part 1 of no calculator. Oh ya, today so many ppl forgot to bring calculator, heeeeheeeee. Since Maths is my favourite subject, i am gonna strike it! Thats if its easy...
By The way, i just started playing, not really play but created an accounton Gaia Online, found it to be like Club Penguin like that XD. Sign up here if u want http://www.gaiaonline.com/. Add if u wan with my email at joshen_lim@hotmail.com . My Gaia web is this http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/15875129/?_gaia_t_=612. Go visit if u want to. Thats all for this post. Chow~

I Posted
4:25 PM

Saturday, October 04, 2008
Exams very VERY near

Just finished studying Chinese summary writing, chemistry equations and periodic table memorisation and maths. I have one thing to comment about chem... i hate it.... Nvm, after studying, went to look around youtube for funny videos, then i thought of Mr Brown. Its super funny!!!!! 

This video is about the Singapore's chase to win the Beijing's olympic gold medal. It features random sports made by the "Singapore Association for Alternative Competitive Sports", read out loud is Sucks, although its SAACS. Its super funny. Wan more videos, go youtube search for yourself, or request at tag. Thats all for this post. Reminder to all my friends~ Take examination seriously not as an exam, but just a simple test. Dun give yourself too much stress and go for it! Ganba-re~! Lastly, good luck for everyone again! Need help in maths only, request at tag about your question, 70% i can give u the answer, 50%  i can give u the CORRECT answer. Haha, just joking. Just ask if u wan.

I Posted
4:13 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2008
Its very close to exams now

Added a new link on the left first box. Do click on it and try out the fun stuff there. Click on the "click here" link!

Next week shall be the exams... It is so close, so frightful, so..... scary. But i have studied so i shouldnt be scared though. I just hope i can do my best!! Hope i will not fail in any of the subjects, especially History T_T. Came up with a new timetable, each day 1 subject. Must endure for 1 weekend... then i can go out and play basketball or soccer or whatever!~~. Then again, got co on 16... heheh... First time i am saying sianx to the prac.... Firstly because my GaoHu string broke while i was playing at home.. Now mugging, in a confusion too, dunoe whether to do homework because i suuuuper tired from studying and i still have 3 practice papers to do and i dun even think that teacher is going through the work... Anyways enough with the homework blues, yesterday forgot to post, i think, was playing Insaniquarium deluxe for a while and spent 15 mins on 1 stage for the fun of it and guess what, i bred 23+ blue guppies, spam dropping diamonds all around, but i cant pick all up because i have to feed the fishes constantly as in there were like 60 fishes in the tank, overcrowding. So my jellyfish swam  around picking coins up.
Spam king fishes!

Small vid on how the fishes spam diamonds and coins while i was busy feeding them and my jellyfish collecting coins. It was damn fun XD. I just hope exams end soon, cant withstand the pressure of hw soon, although they have a large surface area. For those blur guys who dun know what i am toking, its all bout physics, as in pressure = force over area. Hehe, i'm not saying you guys are blur block ><. Well, that should be all. Once exams are over, Chien Yun gonna lend me his Spore game package... Wahaha. Now thats encouraging on doing my best for exams. !! ^^ Thats all for this post on my plain blog. Chow~

spammed zakum killing with bowmaster and dark knight to relief stress... HAHA


I Posted
4:07 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I Posted
1:58 PM


No Spamming
No Ripping
No talking bad about people
Those who fail to comply to these simple rules shall result in severe torture!!!
hidden hit counter

The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop