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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm dead, but revived

Previous blog skin, did not work too well, i mean very well. The skin can only be viewed by using Safari IE, not the original and usual Windows IE, thus i changed my blog skin to a freakin simple one (enduring). Nvm, most importantly is that exams are very very very near!! So nervous. Its freaky! I seriously hope that i will do well!! Ahh. Today, have half day!!!!! for malays only.... Thanks to Hari Raya... Who doesnt wan half day... Nvm, the malays get to miss those valuable and precious lessons (changing the result so that it wont look so bad). Heheh. Tomorrow is a holiday and i will be staying at home 24 hr studying and resting. I must do well in SA!

I Posted
3:15 PM

Monday, September 29, 2008

Hello, just to tell you that i revamped my blog, found a new blog skin and removed some of the random stuff i added to my blog. Seems nice and less animeier. Nvm, short post cause i wana study. Congratulations to Eusebio for winning 2 awards in the debate finals today. "Make CO proud" as he says. No fair, malays get half day for tomorrow... zzz Thats all, super short post. Comments for blog post on taggie.

I Posted
5:14 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hi, did not post yesterday as i had nothing to write about, i mean very few so if i were to post yesterday, i would have been a very very short post. Well, this post shall summarize everything that had happened yesterday and today, in paragraphs according to the date.

Yesterday, morning went to play the golf course at NSRCC, and i made a new record!!! Guess what, 9 holes course, i.... LOST 9 BALLS!! WHOOO!! such a "nice" event... Well, the reason for my poor performance is that, new set, nvr try out first then go play course immediately... sianx... Then, at night, went to Downtown East for dinner, then went to the popular expo there, and spammed bought 5 doraemon comic books, which can last me for 3 days, i read comics very fast, so haha... Didnt study for the day ><

Today, nothing much happened, after tuition, spam homework and revision, then read 3 of the comic books i bought yesterday. Then played for a while. Then went out for dinner at toa payoh. Went home at 8.30 when F1 had already started. A lot of accidents leh!! Crash here crash there. 1 car of the piquet guy crash until half dented, so thus i concluded that F1 cars' metal are very soft... Then Massa guy drove off after a stupid guy show the green light when the workers havent remove the petrol pipe yet, then the pipe broke, the guy holding it fell, and the car drove off with a tail spitting water. And Massa and Hamilton (Lol, mr hamilton drive f1??) were the leading cars first, including Kimi i think, but after i bathe and come back, they were last few le... Sianx lor... Thereafter, saw the cars driving at 287km/hr ( seems to look like 50km/h on tv), either driving into the pit-stop or crashing here and there, like Burnout like that... Haha..

Well, thats all for this post good luck for exams again!

PS Still looking for blogskin... *click* *click*

I Posted
9:54 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008
Nice and fun day

Today was quite a fun day. Starting with Literature lesson, Mr Tan sent us to the wild to write our poem in Nature and the environment. With the help of Ivan and Momo and etc, managed to complete the 4 stanzas with each 4 lines criteria. It was quite difficult, have to think of different rhyming words. Next was chinese lesson, SA 2 Listening Comprehension... Quite scary actually! They immediately play the passage as soon as the introductory song ended. Not really much time to read the questions. Btw, the intro song was chinese orchestra and i could hear the ErHu... Wahaha! Managed to complete the paper, but not sure if will score high... Ahhh! Next was history, Mr Thiru told us to spend 1 period reading chapter on Civilisation and he was going to give an oral quiz. Whoever cant answer stay back for 1 hour. Plus we were going to have D&T make up session after school till 4pm. But of course he was joking, from what i see, Marc Tan didnt know how to answer 5 questions and still managed to escape. Lol. Lucky he nvr ask me... After that was Physics lesson where he had 2 free periods because Mr Awyong (How to spell??) went for some NS thingie. Played a mini badminton with Zhong Ting... Thereafter school ended. Had so much fun with the badminton game that we stretched it till after school to 1.30. Then we go eat lunch. Plus, we found out that somebody has been watching SOMETHING using laptop. Im not gonna point out who as i dun really wanna out that person in a tight spot. I am such a good guy ^^. After school about 2pm, went for D&T make up session. Already finished the mobile at home, but Ms choo told me to do some touch up. So i did, irritated. Because the eyes of the mobile was so darn difficult to tie. Kept coming off, stupid nylon string. The picture of my completed mobile (took it outside the lab when nobody was looking XD):
When i finished the mobile and wanted to pass it up, Ms choo somehow kept ignoring me, not really ignore but, when i go to her, she move away with a group of boys helping them with drilling. I go there she help the boys with the glueing or sumthing.. Lol.. But in the end i managed to pass it up. I hanged the mobile at the pouch of my apron like kangaroo like that, then Ms Choo say very cute XD. Kawaii neh~ Eeee gay..... Oh yea, Chien yun started calling Kayne in class YAF, which stands for You Are Fat. He kept laughing while Kayne kept whacking him. Haha. YAF YAF YAF!. Now i hope Kayne wont visit this blog... That should be all for this post.
PS: Most likely changing blog skin soon~

I Posted
10:15 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Long Long

Today is quite an interesting day
Today, D and T, finished up my pieces at home, sand papering, polishing. Went to school to start the drilling. Did not know, i mean forgotten how to use the hand-drill. Screwed up 3/4 of my total pieces ><''. Then the needle of the drill broke when Adrian was trying to help me drill, then Ms Choo helped us changed the needle and reminded us how to use. Then, after the short lesson, i drilled correctly for the remaining 2 pieces...lol... Mr Khor then taught us on how to assemble the pieces. Just when i was trying to fix the ring thingie, a blue shirt guy came by and taught me to polish the pieces somemore. His process was somehow very good. My acrylic pieces now shine like the sun, no la, not that sparkly. Tomorrow then i take a pic of the mobile. I wan to complete it before showing. This Friday have D and T rememdial because some peoples' paces were very slow. Some even still at cutting...  Oh yea, during the lesson, as in the whole, Mr Khor asked me a weird question.."So, your CCA is Chinese Orchestra right?" I nod my head. "Would you like to join I and E ( not sure how to spell) club?" I just stood there stoning. Its not that i dun wan I and E, i dun wan 2 CCA, very pressurising. Plus, nxt year SYF.... You should get the picture now.  Thereafter, PE, lighting alert, sports cancelled, stayed in class to practice for the PE theory exam. Teacher gave us lst year's paper for us to try. I got 18/40... I didnt even study lo! Teacher asked "Ok, dont be shy, who failed raise up your hand" Half the class did. I dun think that we are shy... Thereafter, recess, then Physics practical exam. Completed the task quite fast. It was a repeat of previous experiments. Haha, and it was the one which Ivan was afraid of... After the exam, english. Starting to feel that English lesson becoming to a empty lesson. With Mr Tan toking so softly, how can the people at the back be attention, or hear him. Then he keeps shouting. Tomorrow he is gonna bring us to the eco-pond to do our poem. So most likely tomorrows gonna be a fun day. After school, i saw Hafiz running after (i think so?) Hariz, asked him wad? He said "We going to find Keith" Well, Keith is the Metta Legend they have been toking. The story starts with this Keith guy entering the bus and sat beside the malay friends. Suddenly he starts asking everyone on the bus for cigarretes in a retarded way. Then  Hariz, pro, ask him go ask the bus driver, then he really go ask. Thereafter, he found a handphone pouch on the floor and threw it at the bus driver. That was the story. By the way, when Hafiz said Keith, i thought he said Teeth. Thats why i kept asking him why why. Lol... Teeth is funny because Hariz lost 1 tooth, front tooth, and you know... We going to find tooth. Yea. Then after toking to Hafiz, suddenly Adrian and Zhong Ting tell me that i sure like to tok to malays then chineses more. A little true cause i find them much friendlier, but again not true because i tok to Chien Yun rite? Well, Thats all for today.

Yesterday night watch "The Noose", which is a comedy news report. There were like toking about F1 night race. Say about ERP machines being installed into the F1 cars, and there will be not 1, not 2, but 5 ERP stands at marina bay!! After toking crap, one guy butts into the camera and say loudly that F1 NIGHT RACE ON SUNDAY AT 8PM, WHERE GOT ERP?? I laughed. Then they go on to some part showing this guy at a market shouting fresh fish, then he turn to the camera and toked in a professional tone. When i saw his name and job in the caption, i laughed again. There wrote "Ex-Leman Brothers...." Funny show. Next week they showing Human ERP. There will be Human ERP stands at crowded places and people wear the ERP machine like a belt accessory like that. Maybe sooner or later they will tok about the China Milk Scare. Read the news few days ago that now S'poreans also scared or toothpaste. What rubbish. Taiwan's coffee milk packets also kena, i keep saying that news to Chien Yun, who is from Taiwan, and he just laugh. Lol. That should be all for today. Quite a long post for the first time actually, other than p5's blog entries about the camp. Good luck for EOY once again. less than 2 weeks left.... T_T

I Posted
5:11 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fun day

Today wasnt such a bad day. Learnt how to retaliate and control my anger, from stupid people who made me angry. Credit to MBG and momo (he doesnt know how he helped me). Just ty? Nvm. Chandranuja ( chanuja) nvr come to sch today so i sat at his place, in between momo and haziq. And Hariz at the back kept irritating Momo, till he was so pissed and i could see the anger in his face. He broke Hariz's stapler and cut his eraser into small pieces. I was just an innocent bystander. The day was quite fun. Tomorrow is D and T, doing the drilling tomorrow, maybe. Thats all

Btw, Mustaqim's waging a war between me and him for no reason (for fun he says) so i need help XD. His battle plan is to attack my CCA then class... Lol. Like a real war liddat. Anyways, SAs coming so i completely ignore his freakin war. I just have to say this to my trustful friends and seniors. Pls support me and ignore this guy called Mustaqim. Kind of like he is emotionally bullying me lol...

I Posted
4:40 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yesterday forgot to post XD. Sorry. Now for the updates of yesterday
Morning went for CO da zu, arrived at school around 7.45am like that. While waiting for senior to arrive to unlock the door to CO room, Kayne showed me a magic trick which in 1 show, i found out the trick. Quite a simple one. Emersius arrived to open the CO door soon. Practiced Jiuge the whole session, almost able to catch up with the speed. Most parts of the song i am able to read or understand, but some parts not. Luck after dazu i went for ZLS's erhu lesson, he taught the remaining parts of the song which i didnt know how to play... Found that it was crazy, especially the d major double notes part... i dieded... Next Friday is gonna be my last lesson with ZLS then exam time. Co suspended liaos. Anyway i managed to learn whole of jiuge! HAPPY!. After ZLS lesson, went to NSRCC to collect my golf bag. Whoo, whole set finally. With a big bag which i dun know how to carry on my shoulders so i carry it using hand for the time being. Tried out the clubs, but soon after playing finish, had to return back because the shop owner said and found out, that my golf clubs' grips were to big for my hand. My grip's colour is going to be changed for blue and black to a freakin red and yellow... AHH.. nvm. After that, my brother came (dun know why and when) and we went to the arcade there for a while, requested by my brother somehow. Had a lot of fun as a family. Played the table soccer and won 2 out of 3 matches, which costed $3. Then, we just roamed around the place, and saw 2 chamleons on different trees. Took a pic but not showin because its very blur.
Thats all for yesterday
Today, nth much happened except that the air con in the study room spoilt. And i collected back the golf set today. Maybe eating dinner with my aunt tonight. Mugging currently, lotsa subjects going through today. Thats all for this post... Boring day....

I Posted
3:36 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today, lesson time not really that interesting to write, only that during EL class we went to air-con room because the teacher himself was complaining that the weather  was too hot. During CO prac today, Chien Yun brought his ferarri car today!! It was so cool!

I am selling my car!
Its got a big boot
No lah, actually its a handphone. Watch:

Top view
Looks kinda cool actually, china brand. Plus, when you play song on it, it will flash its lights, oh ya, its boot contains the battery and the license plate contains the memory stick. Pro eh... Wheels can move somemore. And he tricked our ErHu teacher and seniors with this phone. He just put on the table and they come by asking him, why you bring toy car to school? Turn over then wa! Lols. Practiced jiu ge again, Eusebio didnt come for prac, i think he had some debate thing, heard the seniors saying it. Sat's going to be my ErHu tuition and tomorrow have the d and t remedial until 4 sumthing... Thats all, off to study

I Posted
8:17 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just another funny and EMO video

I Posted
7:59 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today's History mock exam was a total smackdown, wahaha. Its the paper smack me not the other way round... It was totally difficult and even my friends said so. The questions were like making me so blur, especially section c. 30 marks gone i think, totaly upon 60. Most likely fail. Must study seriously for history!! Btw, after the mock exam, i realised that the mock exam paper is the practice paper my history teacher gave us long long time ago, with answers too!!! ARGH! AHHH! ROAR!! HI!. Random seconds... After the history, went to canteen for a snack, then i went for CO! Practiced beside Eusebio, fingering not as good because i stabbed my finger accidentally while cutting bottles for CIP hours. I am willing to cut them for CIP hours, CIP HOURS. Quite waste of time actually, but for needy so i 1/2 dun mind.... Have to cut 20 of them lehs. Anyways, was shocked to see the Gaohu metal string got red stain, then i look at my hand bleeding like siao, probably because my wound kept getting pierced by the string, small area, large pressure, physics. Hurt unknowingly though. Think in my head "ouch" but no reaction to the physical body... This should be all, for today. Tomorrow Maths mock exam. Shouldnt be a problem, i hope. Btw, i may, i MAY not will, pause the posting of my blog due to the exams coming, so yea, bb thats all, you can exit the blog now, so long, chow, have a good day and GOOD LUCK FOR EXAMS

( '.')

I Posted
9:19 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just a funny clip which i found on youtube.

Suddenly just remembered that history mock exam is tomorrow, and chapters include number 10, which mr thiru nvr teach us.... Had a chiong session on history just now, going through textbook, notes and stuff. I went to NSRCC jus now to upgrade my golf set, now its going to be a full set. Tried out the new clubs as in testing out. But my driver is pink in colour... as in the shaft... Thereafter, nth to do. Quite bored now, so bb~

I Posted
2:59 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Fun day

Today early in the morning, around 6am woke up to play golf course. Went to NSRCC to receive news that golf course closed due to bad weather. Thus, we went to driving range, when somehow, i sucked like siiao. Either top ball or hit side ways or... erm, never mind, nothing else. Wanted to go chipping green after that, aso close, want to go putting green, aso close. Sianx. So me and my dad went to bathe there. Thereafter, we went to eat lunch. When ordering the food, the waiter asked "In house sir?" My funny dad said "Yes, but not on the house." On the House means FOC if u dunno. Then, while waiting for the food to be served, my father asked a random question to me, about a large net covering the whole cafeteria (there is one). He told me that it was to prevent birds from coming in. I said that it was to prevent golf balls from flying in. Tried to rebut each other, then he say bet $2 ask waiter wats the net for. I agreed. Then i spotted 2 birds inside the cafeteria behind my dad, told him "Dad, look back, what's that?" He turned back and just said "Forget about the bet..." But in the end he still asked the waiter, and he said "Its to prevent the golf balls from flying in..." I smiled. "and to prevent birds from flying in too." My smile disappeared. Nvm, no win no lose^^. Went home and played some games with my dad and my brother. Then, went to study, which is what i am currently doing. Tonight maybe going to my mum's friend's house, for gathering i think, over there aso can play basketball with my friend (My mum's friend's children are my friend..), maybe? Any updates will post it tonight. 23 days left to EOY exam...

I Posted
12:55 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008
Quick update

Today, just a neutral day, except for last lesson, bio, when we went to the science lab to do cells experiment, using the microscope, unfortunately, i got the crappy one. The one without its own light source. But its okay, except for the fact that i DIDNT see any cells whereas others can... Sianx... Coming home, found out that my mum got me an adi tee:

Then, i did HW, went through history and maths then played psp for just a while, Monster Hunter Freedom2, trying to figure out how to kill that freeeeakin Yian KutKu, it is just so irritating, peck here peck there..... Nvm. Currently waiting for 11pm to come, D-gray-man. Nth else to write so bb. Tomorrow morning i going to play golf with my dad though ^^. I GOT MY PC lerrr! ^^

I Posted
10:27 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008
A fine day

Todays a quite funny day, especially during CO prac. Chinese lesson, went through Textbook, super boring, not fun... I keep sneezing for no reason too, non-stop. Felt uncomfortable. So long never sneeze so much ler, sianx. Next up was Maths, go through the HW given yesterday yesterday, and went through a new topic, ratio speed thing. Gave us quite some HW... After recess was EL and Lit. Lit, talked about poetry here and there. Class was quite rowdy, many people kena punish quite few times. After school, CO prac! While waiting for class to start, Chien Yun lent me a "Taiwanese Edition" of the japanese shounen jump, with many different comics inside, but one chapter per comic only. Read D-Gray, which was like the 143th chapter, whereas i read from the comic book till 137. But even so, the anime itself has caught up liaox. 
The taiwan shounen jump:
Photobucket Image Hosting
As you can see, the title is actually called Formosa Youth, not really shounen jump... Class started after reading 1/2 of the book. Spam practice 酒歌 while seating beside Eusebio. Finally managed to learned fully 1/2 of the song, thanks to Eusebio, tks! :) Halfway through, when it was break time, our teacher gave us A mooncake... I said A, one, this is wad he said

LLS (teacher) :送给你们一个mooncake, 一定要吃完啊,这里有1,2,3... 17个人,你们自己想怎样分     成十七片给大家吃,要吃完啊. Eh 是 Brrrrrrrreadtalk 的 leh~

I was just sitting there laughing... Lol. Yea thereafter, CO prac end, debriefing and just a short meeting for the VSCOLTC participants. CO suspended in 1 week time, not next monday, next next. Sianx, Sat's dazu cancelled some more.. T_T Must practice the song more... And study at the same time~!
P.S somehow cant log in MSN today....

I Posted
8:38 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Today is ...

Today, quite a nice day, not as boring as yesterday. D&T, went to the lab today, cut out 3 pieces of acrylic finally, but its considered to be slow, whole class progress was slow, so teacher decided to hold a 2 hr remedial on some day next week. Nxt nxt week CCA aso suspended also. Sianx. Next lesson was PE, did some conditioning of body because teacher said that our class NAPFA test results werent so good (really meh?? There were some golds i think). Took 30 mins then we got on to our games either soccer or floorball. Half of the class spilt up to the different sports. I went for soccer. Was mid fielder, then became a goal keeper. Scared that i let the ball goal then my player hantam me... But i actually blocked 2 goals from the opponent! Yea~ My goal kicks not bad. Wahaha. After the game, had a slight feeling of fainting for 2 mins or so. Went to class to drink water then ok ler. Used to it btw, had this 3 times or so lerr, quite scary leh the feeling, like you cant breathe like that... Then was recess, then Bio. Went through some practices on answering skills for science, like elaborating, defining the question, etc. The lesson was very fast-paced, dunno why and what Mr Munir was trying to do. Lucky i was able to catch up with the pace XD. Finally was Lit. Went through a compre paper which we did 3 WEEKS ago. Then end of school! Tomorrow is CO prac again! wahaha, so fun. 26 days left to EOY Exam... Good luck everyone. Bb

I Posted
6:09 PM

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Today, quite a neutral day nth to tok about so this should be a very short post. Today had Bio instead, since EOY exams are near. Mother tongue, changed back to normal teacher, dun really like her actually, compared to the relief teacher. ><. English, talk bout peotry here and there, maths usual class, nothing special. 
Spammed air gear anime on youtube. Quite nice anime, roller skates with motors thing. Tomorrow is d&t lesson again, going to the lab ^^. Must cut as fast as possible ar. Last week, nvr cut anything, sianxx. Hope tomorrow is going to be a fun day, so that can write sumthing fun on the blog. Looking forward to thursday! CO prac!

I Posted
7:25 PM

Monday, September 08, 2008
Yet again~

Another great day... Received my ICAS paper, got 30/40, top 13% in sec1 conhord in S'pore, freakin happy~~!!! Wats shocking is that, the last 5 questions, i anyhow answer, and i got 4/5 correct. Siiao rite? Today CE period very sensitive and exciting to some, not me, i just half sleep half listen to class, its the sexuality education thing... Dun wanna tok bout it ^^. 
Quite boring actually today, especially when i found out got history and maths mock exam nxt week, just drew this graffiti with momo.

REVO revo ReVo rEvO r3v0 R3V0 RrEeVvOo Its all about revo!
Gonna mug , maths and history so if any updates, will post again tonite.bb

I Posted
3:58 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I just updated the song on my blog now, pls play it first, because the reason, is, well, just look at the exorcist column for the reason. Bored now, very. Spamming spinning of pen, dropped 3 times in 38 mins, record! XD It sounds as if i have nth to do, well just some revising of HW, after that, i going out somewhere, just anywhere. Pic above is the PSP game i wan XD! Maybe gonna download it or buy it. Tomorrow is when school reopens and I wish my fellow school mates, friends, primary sch friends, good friends, bad friends, neutral friends, very good friends, etc etc all the best in your studies and EOY exam. And, my erhu string broke while i was practicing.... Great.... Not my Gaohu though XD


Just an update for todays post. This night, 2 weird and funny stuff happen to me. Went to downtown east for dinner, the air-con part. Ate at a new place, sBuddy Hoagies. Located at somewhere at the corner. Thats not the weird part. Shopped at downtown east. Bought a cup of bandung soya bean, did not want so sweet so i tell them, in the end they gave me this...

Bend your head again. I drank half way lerz. Well, this pic shows a little pink, but when i was drinking it, it was beach. Like normal soya bean liddat. Lol. Tasted like normal soya bean. I ask the auntie, she say less sweet less bandung. Makes sense to her, but not to me, maybe a little.
Thereafter, went to fairprice get some groceries. Took a trolley, when i went to the counter, found out that i just bought a packet of fishballs only.. I was just stoning and staring at the freakin empty trolley. Damn weird sia. Was like wthh. No pics for this because it would quite weird and paiseh to take a pic of an empty trolley with only fishballs.
End of the weird part. Bought a glowing Doraemen figure. Battery operated:
Not lite up:

Lite up: (In random colours, this was halfway changing from red to blue)
Found it quite cute XD. Practicing my Gaohu, trying to figure out the fingerings until now... Still quite unclear... Thats all for the updatess gd nite. Have a good rest everyone, for school is starting again....

XD just jking

I Posted
3:49 PM

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Great achievements

Great news, great news, for me and not for you. I just got officially promoted to GaoHu in CO! And i am seating right beside the chairman of VSCO! (how pressurising XD) Anyways, having quite a lot of trouble learning the different fingerings of the Gao Hu. G major become D major, etc etc. Quite confusing, but managed to get the hang of G major of GaoHu thanks to chairman. Ty! Will be play Gaohu in SYF 09 too, common goal once again, gold w/ honours! Wanted to take a picture of the instrument, but whatever angle i try to take with my phone, it looks the same as my ErHu. So, yea no pics!
Next, even though i passed my PC test, today still got i more green play, and the score was superb i say.:
Hole          Strokes
   1                   4
   2                  5
   3                  5
   4                  5
   5                  2    BIRDIE!!
   6                  5
   7                  4
   8                  5
   9                  6 (ignore this =))

MY FIRST BIRDIE IN MY WHOLE LIFE.  Was superbly happy, excited, jumped around in delight, was very "high" etc etc. OWNAGE! hehe.
Last thing, not really an achievement but, previously, my PSP was down, due to i anyhow, not really anyhow, update the version of my PSP, thereafter, cant play the games on memory stick lerr. Got it fixed today, so yea, working okay now.. So there we have it, end of post, school reopening =(

I Posted
9:51 PM

Friday, September 05, 2008
Good news and Bad news.

Lets start of this post with some good news. Firstly, CO, got promoted to Gaohu from Erhu, news received from friends, now gotta work extra harder for CO, plus, going to play this gaohu in nxt yr's SYF 09. Common goal : SYF gold with honours. Lets make that happen so all other COs out there, pls slack... Just joking, good luck. Secondly, today was my golf PC test, results, PASS! Practical test, 18 strokes out of max 21, one of the holes i got par. Nvm, the score:
Hole 1: 5 strokes, double booogey
Hole2: 3 strokes, PAR
Hole 3: 5 strokes, double booogey
*Skip holes*
Hole 9: 5 strokes, double boogey

Total score, 18 strokes, +6

Ain't that good? Better than my usual playing. On for the next one, bought a book today, titled "Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters". Next, my parents bought me some things.: 

Dun mind turn yur head. Head exercise!

Spongebob eraser, super unique!!
Doraemon slippers for fun

Thats all for today, bye!

I Posted
9:43 PM

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Okay, so i have not posted for 4 days consecutively, because i went for the VSCOLTC camp, Victoria School Chinese Orchestra Leadership Training Camp. 4 days, 3nites. Leme just gif a brief overview of the camp, cause i dun wanna tok tok tok tok.... 
-Activities in school first
-Got into the 1st grouping, Ze Qing, me, Yong Xiang and Clifford
-Thereafter, went to eat at hawker centre
-Took bus to mystery camping place, first went to white sands
-Clue was 海边的沙滩.
-I guessed Coasta Sands
-Got into 2nd groupings, me, Ernest and Sulwyn
-Facilitators were Eusebio, Emersius and Ken Chong
-Random activities
-Gd nite

-Start of amazing race!
-Went all over Singapore
-Spent $7 on EZ link (crazy rite)
-What an expensive race!
-Lunch and dinner ate our own expenses
-Lunch at LJS while dinner at food court at somewhere, cant remember
-Came back and kena pumping due to OUR not specifically one group, performace during the      race
-Gd nite

-Catch senior time
-Caught Eusebio (WAHAHAHA)
-Shoes were freakin muddy
-Had a lot of fun
-Senior said that the race was for fun, indirectly saying that we got our shoes muddy for fun..
-Random activities
-Talent Time
-Suddenly kena attacked my small gangsters, i mean smallll
-Ignored them, they throw egg and push the dustbin over at our entrance, PISSED OFF >=(
-Gd nite

-Prizes for the overall camp performance
-My group 1st!

Overall of the camp. I dun wanna brag about it =) There are lessons about leadership during the 4 days, so it is not really that fun, but also meaningful and yea......Bye

I Posted
12:21 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop