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Friday, August 29, 2008
Sorry guyzz

Today was quite a fun day for us. Teacher's day celebration! Came to school late because i woke up a little too late. yeah.... There was tons and tons of tidbits, food and drinks. Funny thing was that, once the party started, 2 bottles of drink immediately finish.. And while having fun, teacher spent time giving out CA2 paper slips. My results:

English: 67.6   (B3)
Higher Chinese: 56.4  (C5)
Literature: 72.3  (A2)
History: 55  (C5)
Maths: 80  (A1)
Science: 75.6  (A1)
D&T: 96!!  (A1)

Results seem kinda bad but overall MSG was 2.6. Improved by 0.4 i think. And it is minus 0.4 not plus. By the way, photos from the party!
Tons of food:

Just some close up photos of my friends. Nth to do.. XD
(Emo picture of Hafiz)

Thereafter all the fun, 30 mins left till sch end, was the sports and games, watched the captain ball match, which our principal participated in. He play quite rough sia...XD Since boring, then i just wander around sch till 11am. Then i went to Yumin, but did not see my teacher. Toopid la! 12.30 then let us in, and only let us stay for 30 mins! Pissed off. No lah. Not really angry... At least i caught up with a few on my friends... There after, wait for 1hour do nth, quite boring, then go home. 4pm went to NSRCC play golf course with Adrian again. Sucked like freakin hell. Except that i got 1 par. MUZ JIAYOUU for my PC test!! Had quite a fun day today... Thats all, gotta sleep early and prepare for tomorrow's CO performance. Hope i dun screw up!!

I Posted
9:24 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Today, nothing much happened again, except that during english and literature lesson, we spent the whole period watching "Animal Farm" the dvd, not story book. Enjoyed the movie, and everyone keep saying this movie not halal here and there. After school had the MOE exam thing, and i managed to get the Maths paper. Starting was quite easy, except for the MCQ, 34 questions, 15 mins. Managed to complete it with leaving 5 questions blank, because i see all my friends leave the class so freakin early. After leavin the class,i asked my friends how they did so fast, one same answer, do only 10 questions like that... Freaking lol la. Then i went for CO CCA. Rehearsed for performance on Sat, screwed up like crazy and told myself to practice practice! Tomorrow is teacher's day, going to haf lots a fun! And i am going to visit my primary school tomorrow. As most of my friend, except Marcus SHU, not Goh, end school at 11.30, and me and Marcus SHU end around 10.45, we both decided go there early wait for friends... So good boi rite? Ya rite... We stay there play cards while waiting XD. Thats about it and that picture on top is my mobile design i promised to show u all. Just cant find out why it must be slanted, dun mind turning your heads a little, and it is a burst mobile of an owl by the way. Lots of Holiday HW so gtg

I Posted
10:45 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today, D&T, finally went to the lab, learned all the basics of the lab, equipments and materials. Then, we set off to do our mobile. I took red acrylic, thinking that it was orange... Juz made do with it. Drew out the shapes of the parts of my mobile, then just as i wanted to use the scroll cutter thing, teacher told us to gather liiao. 
Thereafter, PE, kena whacked by my friend while playing floorball. Bleed non stop, injury on hand. That guy is non other than Hariz the teeth lord. I told him that he owe me one more tooth... Haha, i insult him, so bad. But he twack me first! Had a lot of fun with red stains on my tee.
Then science and english, two subjects slack the whole time, do nth. Then after school, my nightmare, chinese oral. Nervous until i stammered a lot, hope i pass!!
Nothing much to post about, only that my mum's bday falls on today and she's cookin curry now. Audition Christmas curry! lols. yea so bb, still got work to do!

I Posted
4:05 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Computer problems

Well, i havent updated my blog for the past few days due to just one reason, Desktop got attacked by virus and cant use. So finally, today, it has recovered, but i decided to use my laptop for blogging now. Okay, now for the updates, starting from the most previous one.

There is a good news for me though. Me and Chien Yun got selected to perform in this Saturday's teacher's day performance. We will be playing 4 songs, which i am still not so sure of how to play it. They are 
1) Rhythm of the rain
2) Brazil Brazil
3) Shi jian
4) Yue qu 
Dont mind because my laptop temporarily does not have chinese language. Will install asap. I think me and CY (Chien Yun) are the only sec 1s selected, i think so, thats why i am quite happy.

Next, I got highest for D&T in class!! Grade A1 with a score of 96! woots! I am so happy. My second time getting highest for a subject. I could have gotten 100 though, because when teacher ask us to photocopy ten pictures of animals from books, etc, one of mine was pixilated and so one mark gone... Thats very sad. But still very good!! XD

Today after school at 4.15, i went to play golf at NSRCC , par 3 executive course with Adrian and Haziq. Maybe because we were having too much fun that we played quite lousy. First hole, 7 shots while usually i got 4 at the most. Crazy. Overall ranking is Adrian first, me second and haziq third. Adrian already got PC so it is obviously he will own us. But he flopped 2 rules though. He pushed his trolley on the green and he crossed under a barrier. Just dun know how he pass his test... LOL!

Tomorrow, I will be having my Chinese Oral Exam tomorrow, and i am the first one! Hope i get the easiest topic of the 10. Mugging the topics like siiao juz now.

This Friday after school, I will be visiting my primary school with my primary school friends, just like everyone in my VS class. After that, maybe i playing golf at the range, because i will be having my PC test next Friday. Theory and Practical, this whole thing stretched to half a day, from 3.15 to 9pm. Its crazy.

Yea so thats an overall of the previous happenings. If i miss out anything, jus dun mind. Ty and bb! XD

I Posted
10:19 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Today was a freakin fun day!! At school, still not so bad, quite boring though, especially when i found out that i got C5 for my Chinese... But my mood changed totally when it was after school, to the Science Centre! We first had the robotics lesson, on the theme "Mission to Mars". As my CCA was robotics in primary school, i owned all the questions that i was given.. Lol. I worked with Haziq, who was my partner for the whole activity. Half way through, our RCX broke down and we were separated into other groups. That was the boring part... Thereafter, the lesson ended with a quiz and we "chiong" to Macdonalds for lunch. And i mean CHIONG AHH!!. Chiong until we forget to chop re-entry stamp. Lucky at Mac, one of my friend dun know why, spam his whole hand with the chop and thus, i used his hand to chop my hand so thus i got re-entry stamp!!. I i mean the chop slang not cut off the chop. Thereafter, we went for the Amazing race, where we have to go to many stations and answer Physics question. As usual, me and haziq as a team. We totally chiong through all the stations, answering the freakin difficult Physics questions and finally completed it. The worst was that we couldnt read the map for one station and ran all over looking for it. Luckily, my good buddy Haifz and Hariz helped us, got compensation aso la. They aso duno where one station was, so we tell them. So after completing everything, we chiong to the finish point and YEA!! Teacher got seriously shocked to see us finish 30 mins earlier. First one to ownage!!! Wahaha. Found out that i was perspiring like siiao then. Btw, i answered all the questions, and Haziq juz copy. So dun blame me if all wrong ar, Haziq! This is the happy part. Now for the FUNNY PART!!! We found the Classic original Electric chair!!!. And we pinned down one of my friend to the chair, insert coin and pressed high VOLTAGE!!!! WAHAHA!! He screamed in pain like siiao la... This is his pic:

Getting ready:


After the terrifying incident, he said that it was fun actually.. Lol. 
Then again, he pinned another victim down, Hariz the teeth lord!! We totally laughed like siiao. Even the teacher aso sat at the side and laughed.
He totally screamed in pain!!!

You can almost hear him shout:"AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Hahahaahahaha! We ownage those victims man.... Thereafter still got 10 more mins so we explored around. Bought a magic disappearing ink with a sprayer head so Monday, my friends better be ready to get owned.
Yea, so thats all for today. Yeah, kena praised by Erhu teacher during tuition again!!︿︿

I Posted
10:24 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today, D&T in school, did not go to D&T lab, because of SOMEBODY, no lah, i mean half of the class did not do their mobile. Teacher asked those who completed the mobiles to queue up for approval. When it was my turn, the teacher asked me a weird question, :"Are you proud of your work?" I just nodded my head and he said "Good, you should be proud of your work"... Since got praised ler, i shall take a picture of my mobile and post it on the blog probably tomorrow or Friday or Sat, because tomorrow have CO prac until 6pm and Friday have, you know, Field trip to Science Centre and ErHu tuition. Yea... And i passed up my Sci project, feeling kinda worried due to my teachers scary comments, saying he will question us on EVERY page for its meaning... Lols. Nothing funny about today at school, only that we skipped the whole EL lesson for dunno what reason, teacher just come to our class and say that there will not be lessons today, so have your free time.

Thats all for today at school. Reached home, did Homework and then went to play basketball by myself. Not emoing wor... 3-pointer 2 times today! And i keep successfully scoring today somehow, dun know the reason, anyhow throw aso go inside. Played from 5.30 to 6.30, when i accidentally got kind lost going home... Lol, getting lost in your own home. Rarely go to the court on my own though. When school holiday starts, not the coming one, in Sept or Oct, gonna go my friend's house play basketball too, maybe. And finally, my finger is officially getting stiff due to playing too much ErHu? lols, go warm them up later, so bye!

I Posted
7:16 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Okay... Exams are over, but there IS still a pile of project works left to be done, but my Lit dramatization just finish today, and unexpectanly and for the first time, my marks was 17/20 and it was the best in class. Dont know why i have started to "brave up" and this dramatization. And my prototype d&T mobile is completed! I dun want to take a picture, because it looks freaky... Just dont know how to balance the parts. It is difficuly okay! And now i am doing the just came in chinese project! See how many work i have to do, including 1 more compo from the teacher. And oral exam is just next week, the queue starting with me, 1st one, pros and cons? Might get better marks, but super nervous... Now for the good thing for school, science teacher organise a trip to the science centre this Friday for all efforts in the exam! Dont know why he said good effort when actually last week he said he expected better results from us. Oh yea temporary, these are my results:

Chinese   44/80
English(summary)  14/25
History   11/20
Physics   25/35

Yea i think thats it. My marks may seem low, but in fact, whole class did quite badly. I hope my Maths will get high marks, i got total confidence, very nervous... Haha. Teachers keep saying "Since your CA2 did quite badly, now it is for your TfU projects to pull your marks up." Great... Projects again...Yeah! 
One last funny thing before i go, my previous seating postition, my group of friends there, they created a song about SULO, the trash thing, dun know why they like it so much, in fact they created a song about it. This is extracted from Muhaimin's blog. His blog link is on the right hand side, just scroll down.

Sing it as Florida- Low
Box with the shit, the shit
Bottle with the pee, the pee
Where did he throw? (Where did he throw?)
He threw it in SULO-LO-LO-LO-LO-LO-LO

Lols right? ...Tomorrow going to D&T lab to do the real mobile..Yea thats all. Bb. Somehow have this feeling that I wan to quickly go back pri school...Lol
Oh yea just remembered that, i made teacher laughed like siiao for the first time, in com lab, i was doing the Chinese project (yea projects again) about fire safety and i showed him this picture:

Yet another laughter thanks to engrish.com

Just finished my Physics project XD

I Posted
5:04 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Oh yes

Great! Exam is over, it is fun time!! Spammed audition with Muhaimin on Friday night. My father came back from HK for business and bought back quite some stuff. Beijing olympics, Singapore table tennis got silver ler, aim for gold, jia you! Yesterday, DaZu practiced new songs, like rhythm of the rain, 月曲, 世间, Brazil Brazil,etc. In the evening, we went to watch a concert by SCO at the esplanade, whole CO group go, because my ErHu teachers were there performing, including my senior!! See them "tai feng" so weird hehe... My friend said that one of my teacher tai feng style is bouncing haha. Came home at around 10.30 and spammed audition again, not really spam...
Oh yea, i got a interesting thing to say, yesterday on Sat, I went for CO prac (大组)and my Taiwan friend showed me a cool phone, take a look.
This is the top of the phone, looks just like a model of a car:


And this is what you see when flipped over!
Cool right! He told one of my friend who had an i-phone :"Hey! You got the best phone, i got the coooolest phone!"
Heheh, Laughed like siiao when i saw his phone. He said that he is going to buy the ferarri phone which is coming in the enxt 3 months. Btw, the phone is touch screen too! Eheh. Biejing Olympics souvenir phone? Oh ya the phone is bought from china...
Although Exams are over, a tower of projects still awaits me, or i shall say i have to complete so thats all. bye!

I Posted
3:46 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today was a fine day, exam day.. History and lit and physics no more!Now left Maths!! Bad news, for me... Chinese exam results got 44 and it is confirmed, teacher dun wan ad marks T_T... Never mind! I can do it, not EOY exam yet and must 加油加油! Eh toking to myself... haha..  Today, CO practice got cancelled for some reason which i dun know, i wanna go for prac, ease exam stress ... haha... Still got some homework i havent do, like D and T, have to complete prototype of a mobile by next wednesday. One more thing, i think i forgot to say a few days ago, that i participated in the annual X-country school event and....cam in 79th, did not win, but my house won overall sec 1 1st prize, yea thats the medal on top.... My first medal since i entered VS, so happy !! WAHAHAHA

Well, from the past few posts, i seemed to forget a lot of things.
-Napfa test i think i probably get silver or somewhere there
-Today Maths mock exam all those 1 mark questions i got correct, 4marks and above all    wrong.. (not all)
I think thats about it... Yea, im going to study right now so bye

I Posted
4:55 PM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Right, now is the CA2 period, 1 down a few more to go... I mean 2 down, Chinese and English which only consists of Summary writing, i wrote 155 words at first with the maximum which should be 150 but i corrected it till 149 words... And there was 1 minute left to do overall checking... Anyways, tomorrow is History and Literature, double paper. Must relax!! Lit paper lucky only got compre, but must use the PEE thing, point, evidence and elaboration. Just hope that everythings goes well in these few examinations. I must not fail my papers!! The bad thing is that, there is a lot of small project works to do during the CA2 week... And there is going to be a mock maths exam this thursday... WA!! sianxx. Nvm, but i feel that I am improving on my English, friends say that i got 21/25 for my reading aloud test today (they all stand behind teacher and kaypoh), and my Lit compo got 12/15. 12/15 isn't as bad as it sounds, considered to be good liiao.. Never mind for all these, struggle now rather then cry later. After exam then play again! Yea, but haf to prepare for EOY exam too... Nvm, can go out with friends to play ler! Yay! ✖(。◕‿◕。)ツ™©

I Posted
4:54 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008
Just some laughs

Just some laughs from engrish.com
Open your eyes to spot the flaws...



I Posted
12:44 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Happy NDP!~

Happy b'day to Singapore... Yes.. I forgotten bout it... I know it was yesterday... But at least i still remember it on the next day! Yea, so happy b;day s'pore! Wish you all the best in everything, economics, political and blah blah blah... I dun know what i am toking. The ndp was nice, except that it rained heavily and stopped before the fire works started, probably thanks to technology! I didnt attend the NDP  but i did watch the "demo", on the Flyer, btw the tickets were complimentary wahaha! NCC land members were there i think, including muhaimin who quit Concert Band, and joined NCC land. Thats all bb. 

*ShInE* Singapore!~

I Posted
4:17 PM


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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop