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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Hooray!! Yipee!

Well, I've just received my Topical Test results and guess what!!?? The results are below:

English: 58/69
Maths: 48 and half/50
Science: 27 and a half/30

I am very happy.....not very actually.... I wish I could remain the top! Anyway, how boring could it be! no one's online on MSN and there is nothing much to do!!......... Only homework.... Blah blah blah......etc..... So watcha doing there? A message to my friendz who is reading this blog:

Please at leats type something on my tag board. If you don't have an e-mail address, use mine: joshen_lim@hotmail.com.


I Posted
11:53 AM

Sunday, August 21, 2005
Too boring these days.....

Well, Hiya everyone out there.... Ever since the oral examination ended, my friends were all online, and even my friend knew my MSN address when I did not tell her....?? How cool. But there are not much excitement........ So boringzz. I just blogged for fun because I gotta update my blog someday..... Anyway, I will not be posting on my first blog for.. Let's say a week.. Ok? I apologise...

Watcha all doing out there?? Felling bored? Here are some games website that mite cheer you guys up.....

Well, that's all of the games website I've known... Ok? So, this is where I end!

I Posted
12:45 PM

Monday, August 15, 2005
14 August 05, Sunday

Hiya everyone. I just came back from Tampines Street 21. I'm totally drenched with sweat. What a hot day! I went to a spectacle shop to get an eye-check, (mybrother also did) and guess what!.....My eye-sight is quite bad! Its same with wih my brother. I am quite nervous about tomorrow's oral examination.....I'm listening to the song "Reach out for the skies"right now on my headphones. Anyway, I wish good luck to my friends who are in my school and is reading in the oral examination. K?


Well, you kow, gotta go now.. Bye~!!!!@@@@!!!$$##%%%%^^^&&***

I Posted
11:50 AM

Sunday, August 14, 2005
13 August 05, Saturday

Hooray!! My wish came true. So many excititement! My friend, Eric, sent me an E-mail about something. (so crazy) Never mind about that. Anyway, I just came back to home. My mother was trimming my hair when she accidentally snipped my skin! That was really painful, but she did not snipped until my skin came off. PUI PUI! Touchwood.......

I am watching Sonic X now. My favourite show is Duel Masters and Pokemon series_.... I don't really know.... Hahaiz... I just added a new contact on my MSN. Her name is Angela.(Rueben's girlfriend) Lah Lah Lah!! Anyway, I just feel a little bored as ..... NO ONE'S ONLINE!!!!!

This is the third time I wrote a very long post! KK. That's all I am gonna type. BUUUUUUYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Posted
12:45 PM

Just a very last thing.....

Hiya everyone. I will be deleting my third blog which is hypercool007.blogspot.com, k? remember! Maybe I will be creating another blog, but u gonna find the website yurself. Ha!

I Posted
11:40 AM

Saturday, August 13, 2005
12 August 05, Friday

Hiya everyone! Quite boring today. Nothing much to do other than blog or MSN. Sooo boring these days. Don't know why........... All i am excited is.... NEXT WEEK'S ORAL EXAMINATION!!!! So scared..

Nothing to do at home. I hope there will be some excititement tomorrow.... Maybe.....kk Bye!

I Posted
10:23 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2005
10 August 05, Wednesday

Hiya everyone! Tomorrow is the end of the holidays! No fair! Days just past too quickly. I 've just created a tag board, with the help of my brother. It was from cbox.com. Is it very nice. Oh yeah, for today's comments, I only allow my friends to comment, Ok? Sorry. So, what shall I type today? Any ideas? Well, never mind.

Anyway, this is a message to Muhaimin ONLY!!:
Lolx, Muhaimin. What time are you usually online? Tell me by E-mail. Ok? Pls....And yur blog is very beautiful. TEACH ME HOW YOU DO IT!
Thats all..

Well, actually, I just came back from my tution. Maybe I am gonna play PS2 later. I like to play the game 'Digimon World 4'. The digimons were equipped with weapons! Very awesome and cool. My father bought it from Malaysia. you guys out there should try the game too. I recommend it. I started playing that game since 3rd August. I found out that there was this game in a magazine called 'COCO Magazine' It is a montly magazine. Only $4. Well, Wow! I had typed so much again! I promise everyone that I will type a very very very long blog again if I have a lot of ideas. Ok? Well, so this is it. I shall stop typing here for now. Anyway, good bye everyone! Hahaiz Lolx XD. Too happy today. O yar! 1 Last thing, I forgotten to introduce Janice Tan in my first blog...I think so. She is my half friend and half *friend..............Ok bye for now!!

I Posted
8:32 AM

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
9 August 05, Tuesday

Hiya everyone. Did you guys try it? Never mind about that. Anyway, I would like to create another blog, a blog which is better than before cause..............I am very bored and have nothing much to do.... Today's a holiday and nothing much happened so can I say good-bye? KK! Bye everyone. Lolx XD Hahaiz!!!!

I Posted
2:25 AM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

............Welcome to my blog..........
...............Where precious memories reside..............
Click on any of the words to navigate through the pages. Enjoy!
Hiya everyone! This is my second blogger. If anyone does not know me, my name is Joshen Lim, from Yumin Primary. My nickname is Josh. The main reason why I have created this blog is because ....I wanted to try new things. My friend thought me how to do this ( music and animations ) Cool huh? Want to know how to do this, go to http://www.blogskins.com and choose your skins. You have to register first. Ok? Today is National Day!!!!! I am so happy. Quite unlucky to have landed up in the same team as Janice Tan....My class got first in the National Day games anyway. The classes which got first were all in the A classes!!! So funny. After all the activities, My legs ached a lot. So happy today!! XD. Well, today, i seem to have typed a lot. Right? On this particular post. Anyway, Get a life and have freedom and Bye!!!!!. LOLX XD. Hahaiz. One last thing, my best best best best friends are........... Muhaimin, Ling Xu, Rueben, Benedict and.......Hafizz!! KK bye everyone!!!!!!!

I Posted
4:30 AM


No Spamming
No Ripping
No talking bad about people
Those who fail to comply to these simple rules shall result in severe torture!!!
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The Author

Name:Joshen Lim aka BrightSparkx
Age: 15 :)
Horoscope: Gemini
School: Victoria School 2C'09
House: Rochore

He has started a new beginnning, which means secondary school life. Parted with many old friends whom which i had a lot of fun times with. CCA is Chinese Orchestra, which somehow kinda improved a lot. Only studies to concentrate more, must aim for A1!! I that i can say is 加油! to myself.

If u dislike me;then click here and say chow~ :D

Lets Talks


  • - Basketball

  • - Golf

  • - Fishing

  • - Travelling without getting lost

  • - Soya bean

  • - Adicolour shoes

  • - Designing shoes for my own use

  • - Creating giant card towers

  • - Playing Er Hu, Gao Hu

  • Credits

    Designer:Joshen Lim
    Adobe Photoshop